The Undying Nature of Denim

Denim. We’ve all either worn it or seen it being sported to some degree. You’ve probably never noticed, but the textile has been a staple in our closets our entire lives. Rooted in our style, denim is usually the piece of clothing that has always been there for you in times of fashion-related needs and while it might not be gracing NYFW every year, for many, it is an instinctive piece of clothing to wear. Think about it, you probably haven’t second-guessed grabbing your favorite jeans in a while. But while the seasons see new trends constantly rising and dying out in the fashion world, what keeps denim as a staple through it all?

I’d credit it partly due to a long history of a struggle to how it got to its place today. For women, wearing jeans symbolized a counter sentiment to the one prevalent at the time, one that was dominated by perceived female roles in society and masked by skirts and dresses. Jeans, but more specifically pants, were a male’s piece of clothing. It got women in trouble but started a shift into the broader role a woman held in society.

Thanks to the denim-wearing trailblazers back then, our relationship with the clothing items today has flourished and more importantly, become normalized. 

So how far can denim go? While a tumultuous history brought it here, versatility keeps it afloat. From the Levi’s 501s to even denim on denim, there is rarely a time when it can’t somehow be weaved into your style. The variations in material, color and styles make it so that there is something for everyone at any time. 

Yet, while denim as a whole isn’t going anywhere, when we look deeper we notice some pieces typically having a longer shelf-life. Take a denim jacket, for example. Arguably one of the most functional pieces of clothing anyone can have in their closet, a good jean jacket can elevate any look or feel you are going for. It’s no surprise it has been a go-to for stylists in Hollywood too, with movies like “The Outsiders” and “The Breakfast Club,” having a denim jacket almost taking on its own role as a character to build off of others.

When you look at a pair of denim overalls, it’s a little more difficult to utilize it on a daily basis. Instead, it carries a more unique presence to them that may make an appearance once in a while. But that’s what makes it even better - its’ singularity comes through. And while still versatile, it’s a statement piece that may not be worn as commonly as a jean jacket, but can still make a lasting impression.

Today, what started out as a pair of jeans has become something greater in the world of fashion. Denim has made it where both the fashion-forward and those who could care less find themselves grabbing for it. It was a catalyst for change and is multifaceted for years to come. Even more so, it’s timeless and reliable. To put it bluntly, denim is the potato of the fashion world. So many variations, yet, all unique and amazing in their own way. You can never have enough of it. 

Strike Out,

Writer: Emily Ruiz

Editor: Haley Wright



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