So, Now I Have To Find a Niche To Be Successful?

Image Courtesy: Tribe Group

Are we all on the path to becoming TikTokers? That’s what it feels like, at least. The more that I scroll on the god-forsaken app that is TikTok (we have a love-hate relationship, it’s complicated), the more I consider leaving everything behind and becoming a full-time TikToker who makes silly little ‘get ready with me’ videos and endless hauls that will last us all a lifetime. Okay, I’m only partially kidding.

Jokes aside, it seems as if every account on the video app aims to get that one viral moment. They immediately start pumping out content with a specific ‘niche’ in mind, which will then transition into being able to monetize the account. Are we all on board with the idea of looking for our few minutes of fame to then monetize the account? Is finding your ‘niche’ of interest to you? Keep reading to find out why discovering a ‘niche’ can be beneficial, as long as it’s with the right perspective. 

What Makes a Unique Niche?

Get ready with me videos, more known by the acronym ‘GRWM,’ have been all over the video app for a while now. Still, this genre of video form content is no stranger to the internet. ‘GRWM’ style videos have been around since 2011, when they first appeared on YouTube. Twelve years pass and the vlog-style video where the creator talks you through their routine is still an innovative way of making the audience feel like they're sitting in the same room getting ready together. This unique niche has transitioned into several different apps and continues to find new ways to evolve as time goes on.

Be Authentic. Commercials Are So 2003.

Ads are taking over all these different apps solely because no one watches cable TV anymore. That’s where all the big advertising budgets would land back in the day. Now that all eyes are on Instagram (Reels) and TikTok, the pressure is on to create content that not only makes you get into your car and drive to Target to get Elf’s new and improved ‘Hydro-Grip Primer’ but something that also feels authentic to the creator. In this day and age, where we see so much of the same content, finding your ‘niche’ can be extremely overwhelming. Because, at this point, what hasn’t been done? Exactly. It’s not about making something entirely from scratch but taking something that’s been done 100 times and making your version stand out. Say goodbye to cookie-cutter content and hello to brainstorming ideas that feel fun and fresh in 2023!

A Niche With a Twist Of Good Marketing

If you have a business you’re looking to grow and are not on TikTok, you better download that app and start creating that account! Oxford defines ‘niche’ as a “specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service.” What better way to market your service or business than on an app that basically has everything laid out for you? Hashtags, viral sounds, and consistent posting are all it takes for your ‘niche’ to become set in stone. As a content consumer, I can say that transparency will get you very far. If you’re thinking of switching to a different niche or genre of content, it’s best to be honest with your followers, so they know what will be presented on their “FYP” moving forward. The million-dollar question is, do you have to find a niche to be successful? On TikTok, I would say yes. When a community is formed, that community thrives off of consistency and having a shared niche. The more a creator shares with their community, the more the community is going to trust the person putting content out there. 

Strike out, 

Boca Raton

Maria Paula Gonzales

Maria Paula Gonzales is the Web Director for Strike Magazine Boca. When she’s not writing her way through life, she enjoys thrifting, looking for concerts to attend, and spending as much time in nature as possible. You can reach her at 


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