How To Fall In Love With Yourself
We often find ourselves longing for the love we see in our favorite cheesy rom-coms or hear in sappy love songs. However, becoming deeply infatuated with someone, going on dates, and sharing quality time is not reserved for a significant other. The most profound form of love is the love you find within yourself!
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The first step to falling in love with yourself is prioritizing self care. “Self care” is a broad and open ended phrase, so it can be anything you make it. It could be long, hot showers filled with vanilla scented scrubs and hair masks. It could be lighting a candle, turning on your favorite music, and pouring a glass of moscato. Self care can also be simple - just taking the time out of your day to smile at yourself in the mirror or putting a extra few minutes into your morning routine to make your outfit look extra cute.
Alone time is something that needs to be valued and seen as a positive. It helps you to find peace in loneliness. Dates are not reserved for significant others, so why not just take yourself on a date? After all, you know yourself the best. You know your own coffee order, your favorite flower, and your special spot in town. Use this time to listen, to feel, and to notice the world around you. There is a certain peace and simplicity found in quality time spent with yourself.
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Perceive your body as a work of art and a source of life, and you will fall in love. Your body goes beyond the superficial. You have a personality, an aura, and a soul. The way that you look is the least important factor. Focus instead on romanticizing your life and learning to love even the simplest aspects of yourself, like the way that you smile to yourself, the way you always wear the same necklace, the way your eyes look in the sun. We notice even the simplest details of the people we love, but often overlook ourselves. Your personal romance can be found in these intimate details.
Even though love is a beautiful thing, it is not always easy; you often face disagreements. When you love someone, you are willing to listen to them and forgive them, even when you do not always agree. The feeling of love overcomes feelings of anger or disagreement. If you offer this to others, why not show the same compassion for yourself?
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When you learn to fall in love with yourself, you will depend less on others for happiness, validation and affection. Developing self love and self worth allows you to look only to yourself, and you will gain a sense of freedom and self sufficiency. So, why should I be in love with myself? At the end of the day, you are always going to be with yourself, so you might as well learn to love the body you have been given.
Strike Out,
Emily Braunstein
Saint Augustine