How TikTok's Dermatologists Feel About your Skincare

As they debunk skin care myths, Dermatologists are taking TikTok by storm. Previously known as Musically, TikTok has made its mark as a social media platform where users can aimlessly scroll through copious amounts of content on their ‘For You’ page. The app has designed a personalized algorithm that caters towards videos you prefer and gives a chance for everybody’s content to be seen. With a combination of choreographed dances, cooking recipes, memes and basically anything you can think of –  TikTok has it all. Recently entering the mix are Dermatologists giving the masses an educated lesson on all things skincare.

Gen-Z and a handful of Millennials are seemingly prone to idolize social media influencers, trying to mimic their makeup and skincare routines to achieve their looks. What a few of these influencers do not know is that the products that they are promoting and using can be harmful to the skin and full of toxins. Thankfully, the medical professionals have come to the rescue with a few of their expert opinions. Dermatologists around the world have decided to hop on TikTok with content we never knew we needed.

By giving products sold in stores a simple yes or no, one of my personal favorites, Dr. Scott Walter’s (@denverskindoc) aids those wanting to better their skincare routine. The doctor became most recognized when one of his videos received 28.5 millions views and 5.5 million likes. Products that fall under the yes column include Differin Gel Acne Treatment, Vichy Laboratories Hyaluronic Acid, and Aquaphor’s Healing Ointment. Those that surprisingly fell under the no column include Biore Nose Strips, St.Ives Scrubs, and Clean and Clear Facial Cleansers. His page is filled with tips to help sensitive or oily skin, black heads, stretch marks, etc. Helping everybody with their skincare endeavors, Dr. Walter’s has also provided a link on his profile with some of his recommended products:

Catering more towards those suffering with hormonal acne and complicated skin, Stanford NYU trained Dermatologist, Dr. Joyce (@teawithmd) has joined TikTok spilling the best-kept secrets. She gained attraction after posting a clip of her sharing a few of her favorite drugstore skincare products that received 1.9 million views and 156 thousand likes. A few products named were Cerave’s Hydrating Cleanser, La Roche-Posay Anthelios Sunscreen, Differin Gel Acne Treatment, and Vichy Laboratories Vitamin C Serum. All of her videos are filled with information to help those with skin longevity, hair loss, dry and sensitive skin, etc. Similar to Dr. Scott Walter’s, she has linked her holy-grail products:

Still living alongside COVID-19 by working remotely and tackling new hobbies, finding the perfect skincare regimen has been on most of our to-do lists. Fortunately, now as we use our free time to get warped into hours of TikTok, we are flooded with information right at our fingertips. Unsure if it is safe or not to go out and risk getting exposed to the virus, Dermatologists are taking matters into their own hands by giving the people what they need and posting their knowledge for everyone to see. These medical professionals are joining forces to stop the spread of skin care myths one video at a time and we are loving it!

Strike Out,

Writer: Breanna Tang

Editor: Joey Flanagan

Graphics: Isabel Ionata



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