Consumed by Desire

So, I may be a raging consumerist, but it is Valentine’s Day. So naturally, I’m entitled to a treat. I’m just a material girl! There are other writers on Strike who can guide you on more spiritual matters or perhaps guide you on matters of the heart. Thankfully, I’m much more fun. I’m quite talented and practiced in the art of treating oneself and justifying it. So, get in loser — we’re going shopping. 


Before I indulge too much into my more materialistic tendencies, I’ll offer a gift that is, as they like to say — giving. Last year, I had a resolution to read more books written by women. And so for Valentine’s Day, I bought myself “A Girl’s Story” and “Simple Passion” by Annie Ernaux. I found these two short books to be intense and satisfying; they were so validating of the deeply vulnerable human experience. Also, I should mention “Simple Passion” has a delicious red cover and is a story of obsessive lust, so it’s perfect for the holiday. 

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Image Courtesy: Pinterest


The Lana Skims collab. Must I say more? In any case, I will say more because I feel awfully strong about pajamas. We are no longer children — get a matching set. My luxury as of late has been lounging in the vintage slips I’ve thrifted. Why not indulge in something silky and soft? I think treating yourself necessarily entails looking like a treat. After all, can you truly claim to love yourself if you wake up in that ratty t-shirt from high school every morning? Leveling up to that matching set is real self love.

Image Courtesy: Skims

Image Courtesy: Pinterest


This year, I'm learning how to cook meat. Cooking is something I both derive immense satisfaction from and take great pride in. As I’ve written in many of my articles before, I think it’s one of the most important things you can do for yourself. However, I too get intimidated by cooking. While I love steak, the idea of preparing it has always seemed so daunting. It’s a task I’ve left for my father and brother to perfect. Not anymore. I urge all my fellow meat-eaters to join me in this endeavor — I will be preparing Steak au poivre to really lean into the decadence of the day.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest


I keep reading that bows are out. I don’t know what that’s all about. I think bows are timeless, and I don’t care what Vogue says. I would normally urge you to go thrift some lace and ribbon, but I’m in a more playful mood this month. I’m splurging on that Sandy Liang bow, and I will look cute doing it. While a red bow is the obvious choice, I prefer to not be too on the nose. I think silver and metallics are appropriately fun and versatile.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Image Courtesy: Sandy Liang

Vintage Lamps 

This is a strange new obsession I’ve had. I deleted Instagram for self-growth (I’m so strong, I know, I only use Instagram on Safari now) and I’ve found myself on Pinterest incessantly. You know how that goes. Regardless, my home board has become my newest curation project. After intense scrolling, I’ve decided that a sexy vintage lamp is exactly what I need. The most it-girl rooms always have some bright red or forest green mid-century lamps. So, my loves, let's all get on eBay and build this Valentine's Day tension by starting some feisty bid wars.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Image Courtesy: Pinterest


So, I say we all collectively splurge on that Diptyque candle. I know you’ve been eyeing it. I too, am so sparing with my candles: I only light them when I truly feel I need their warmth and glow. But no, this is a day of love. Of indulgence. What’s gluttony and greed anyhow? I can only think of the glorious aromas that will fill my room from the Oud candle. One must be true to oneself and let desire lead them forward. Maison Margiela has a sale on candles, too. What’s a girl to do…

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

I understand that I may merely be a sort of pawn in the larger scheme of corporate agendas, material culture and capitalism – you know all the fun little buzz words we toss around. I’m not claiming you shouldn’t also indulge in expressions of love and devotion. It’s just that I think I’m much more qualified to give advice on buying cute little treats. Come on, it’s Valentine’s Day — I think we all ought to give in to the temptation. Say yes, I know you want to. 

Strike out,

Writer: Naina Chauhan

Editor: Sofia Ramos


Naina Chauhan is an editorial writer for Strike Magazine GNV. She is a simple girl — she just loves a good treat. So you can find her vintage shopping, searching for the best sourdough bread in Gainesville or drinking a cuban espresso at Pascal’s. You can reach out to her on Instagram @nainanchauhan_, or by email at


Red String


Be my Valentine — From me to me