They’re Not Hot, They’re Just Your Coworker
Image Courtesy: Suits / USA Network
Every day starts to feel the same: it’s work, then work, then, oh my god𑁋work again. And on this day, the same as the last, you throw on your work pants and work shirt and do your little work hair-do. You sit in the parking lot, stare blankly at the door until the very last moment, and then you clock in.
But as you start to do your tedious, stupid work, someone catches your eye. Your boss is walking around with a new uniform in their trail, giving them the spiel you once got before. It’s not hard to conclude there’s a trainee in your midst. A tiny butterfly takes flight in your stomach, and the excitement of learning about the latest addition to the team consumes your daily work dread.
You have your first shift with them and then your first week, and it doesn’t take much before you check the schedule every day in hopes of seeing their name. You do your hair a little differently, take some extra time on your makeup, and wear your best work outfit when you know they’ll be around.
At first glance, you didn’t necessarily find them attractive, but they had potential (they didn’t)! And you got to know them; they have a great personality (you’ve never had a meaningful conversation with them)! They’re a great flirt (they said you had a nice ass)!
Now, trust me, I get it! I mean, come on, it’s work. It’s exhausting, frustrating, and, most of all, a little boring. Even if you’re a part of the small percentage who genuinely enjoys going to work, everyone’s always looking for a little something to spice things up.
So, you talk sh*t about your nagging boss, the girl who got fired, the guy who should’ve never been hired in the first place, anything to pass the time. But what’s better to pass the time than a crush?
And it’s okay to have a little work flirt to help you pass the time, but that’s all it needs to be. I truly hate to be the one to break it to you, but they don’t have a good personality; you’re just bored. They’re not a good flirt; you’re just horny. And I’m going to hold your hand while I say this𑁋 they’re not hot; they’re just your coworker.
So, when they ask you to get drinks, say no. When they send that “you looked good today” text after a Friday night close, don’t answer. When there are slim pickings at work, they may be the best option there, and that’s okay! But that does not mean they are the best option once you take off that uniform.
I’m not saying you can’t find love in the workplace. Romeo and Juliette can find each other in the break room! I’m only warning you to tread lightly, as the workplace tends to inflict true love delusions that, when tried in the outside world, will likely end in an awkward shift next week.
Strike Out,
Morgan Harms
Boca Raton
Morgan Harms is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. She is a Pisces mermaid with a love for the ocean. She spends her free time daydreaming, wave-watching, and blasting whatever music she’s into that day. You can reach her by email at or on Instagram @morganjharms and @morganjharmswrites.