The Ultimate Glow-Up Guide

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

What exactly is a glow-up? Sure, it’s the feeling after getting a fresh haircut, or putting on a new outfit that fits just right—but a true glow-up comes from within. While it’s important to feel confident in your own skin, glowing up goes far beyond physical appearance. We want the all-encompassing glow-up in your looks, but also your mental health, bank account, health, relationships, and all aspects of your life. What makes this process so special is how you learn more about yourself and find your own path by giving your lifestyle an elevation. It’s a commitment, a chance to show up for yourself when you may be at your lowest point, or just feeling a longing for change. Use this guide as an excuse to start protecting your peace, showing up for yourself, and being unconditionally authentic. In hopes of feeling, looking, and becoming the best version of yourself, here is the ultimate glow-up guide.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Arguably, the most important step in a glow-up starts with altering your mindset. To truly “glow up,” you must be open to vulnerability and be able to tap into your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Whether it's journaling, setting daily affirmations, listening to podcasts, or taking a social media cleanse, step up for yourself and add a new practice into your life. You never know what new effort will inspire or bring you out of a funk. Journaling often helps bring out those negative, unproductive emotions you have buried for months. Setting affirmations may open your eyes to what this glow-up will look like for yourself and remind you of your highest potential. Listening to a podcast could provide a new perspective or guidance through someone else’s journey. Taking a social media cleanse forces you to see life without thefaçade of other realities that are often a highlight reel or, oftentimes, not true at all. You’ll never know how these practices could affect you until you try them. The key to glowing up mentally begins with commitment and motivation to find the best version of yourself.

The next step is to hone in on your health. A health glow-up could look different for everyone. Drink one more glass of water than you normally do in a day. Take a walk when your head is cluttered. Only drink coffee after you have had something to eat. Try cooking a new meal. Set a goal to try a new exercise. Move your body. Take your daily vitamins. A healthy glow-up doesn’t mean restricting junk food or working out 6 times a week; it begins by adding small habits into your lifestyle aimed at making you feel better.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Get that haircut you’ve been saving on your Pinterest board. Dye your hair pink, platinum blonde, jet black, or any color you want. Wear the top that you love but are worried other people will judge you in. Accessorize as much as you please. Start your own fashion trends. Stop comparing your appearance to those around you. In order to boost your confidence and individuality, it takes pushing past judgments and fear of others. Have you ever noticed that your favorite fashion icons with an absurd following are often unapologetically themselves? Once you find the confidence to explore your style, an external glow-up is inevitable.

Cracking the code to glowing up is far simpler than you think. You don’t have to drastically change your appearance or switch your lifestyle in its entirety. The key is showing up for yourself and being open to trying new things. Glowing up is a way to get in touch with yourself and see what you are looking for within.

Strike Out,

Writer: Bella Ferretti

Editor: Blake N. Fiadino



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