Skincare: Following Trends that Make Sense

A strange phenomenon has befallen the human race. A worldwide pandemic has instituted unavoidable, strict, and necessary guidelines. However, I don’t really mind no longer having to worry about my makeup to simply go to the grocery store. Consequently, I have stopped investing so much in makeup and focused my time and energy elsewhere: skincare. This trend is quite common now. More and more women have started to invest more in the health of their skin, as a response to the newly reprioritized social standard. So, let’s talk about the basics of clear skin, the tip of the skincare iceberg.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

My mother is a health educator, a bit of a skincare expert, and a generally wise woman. She has been the source for a lot of the information that I have incorporated into my routine, which has helped me in my pursuit of consistently clear skin. Before I offer you what has helped me, I figured I would describe my skin type. I don’t have cystic or stubborn acne; I have a light smattering of breakouts that pop up and then disappear, but never for too long. Whether it be travel, my period, or new unhealthy habits, something irritates my skin. In terms of type, I am not oily or dry; I’d say I'm pretty normal. This week, I embarked on skin clearing. Now, I can’t say it has completely cleared, but it has improved.

The first change I made was to no longer snack. The oils and unhealthy ingredients can have a major effect on skin. Everything that goes into our bodies has an effect. No more chips, candy, or Taki’s; this part was hard to maintain and I did cheat a few times. Second, I set a water goal of 12 cups a day, which I did not expect to be so hard to accomplish. My advice: start chugging early. I made sure to keep up my skincare routine everyday, changing small elements throughout the week. Changing things occasionally usually helps me. Exfoliating one day and using a hydrating or clay face mask, after a few regular days, seems to help. I think it is also important to only use clean products that contain ingredients which do not strip the skin. Excess exfoliation or drying ingredients strip the natural oils off our faces and cause skin cells to produce even more oil in response, which can lead to oily acne in the T-zone. 

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Now for actual products, I use Keihl’s “Ultra Facial Cleanser” to cleanse my face every morning and night. It is super gentle and great for all skin types. Occasionally, I use Drunk Elephant’s “Slaai Makeup Melting Butter Cleanser,” which is a little more expensive, but very effective in taking off makeup in a gentle and moisturizing way. For moisturizing in the morning, I use The Ordinary’s “Nicotinamide,” which tightens and brightens skin while minimizing blemish pores. I use this before using my “Egyptian Magic All-Purpose Skin Cream.” This skin cream is a god-send. It has helped me keep breakouts at bay and gives the perfect amount of moisture, which at times can look oily but provides a perfect base for a dewy makeup look. I use it every day and night. At night, I use The Ordinary’s “Hyaluronic Acid,” before the skin cream, which aids the skin in retaining moisture.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

For masks and treatments, I have a few recommendations. When I feel like I have texture on my face that isn’t mature enough to be actual acne, I exfoliate my face to get rid of the dead skin cells and reduce the texture with a face brush. I also use clay masks to pull out imperfections and tighten pores, my favorite is “calcium bentonite clay.” My jar was an exclusive from Whole Foods, which has apparently been discontinued. If you are preparing for a big event, use a clay mask 4-5 days before the event so that your skin has time to relax. Use a hydrating mask 2-3 nights before to brighten; I use various ones, but any brand you trust that can cater to your skin type is more than acceptable. What I will do the night before a big event is use Bliss’s “Renew and Smooth Glycolic Polyhydroxy Acid Night Serum,” which is this magic acid which calms down acne overnight. 

Now that you know my secrets and a few of the skin care basics, hopefully you will do your own research and embark on a skincare journey of your own. I wish you all the best of luck! 

Strike Out, 

Eden Mcclave 

Boca Raton


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