Self Love in Between the Lines

Image Courtesy: @printed_weird on Instagram

Grab your iPad, three-subject notebook or favorite leather journal, and take the time to fall in love with yourself again. 

In the heat of first semester, with midterms, papers and social events around every corner, it can be hard to find time to slow down and take time for yourself. It can feel like the days are just passing you by without giving you a chance to appreciate the small things and to incorporate new goals or purpose into your time. 

One simple and easy fix is to embrace the practice of journaling. Personally, I have tried and failed many times to begin a journal. Like me, you might have done it for two, maybe even three days, in a row, and then you forget once and the whole concept goes out the window.  This time, however, I made it stick, and it has made all the difference. 

I challenge you to grab the closest piece of paper and your favorite pen and see how much it can change you. Here is a quick guide to get started.

1- Write down the three good things that happened to you today.

Taking the time to reflect on the good things that happened to you today, even when it was not the best day overall, helps you let go of any bad parts of the day. It helps you remain focused on the good and remember that it is always present in your life. Even if it was the smallest interaction with a stranger that made you smile today, it serves as a reminder that there are always reasons to smile. 

2- Write down three things you are grateful for.

Writing down three things you are grateful to have in your life helps you appreciate the people and things around you that serve to make you feel good and lift you up. It can help you focus on the important people in your life and remember that you have people who are there for you. Or you could also just be grateful for that oat milk latte you had this morning, and that is important too. 

3- Write down three affirmations.

This part is where the magic happens. We’ve all heard the classic affirmations on TikTok or seen them on the occasional Instagram story. I know many people who scroll past with a scoff, unbelieving that these statements could have any actual effect on your life. But I beg to differ.

Image Courtesy: @sonagasparian on Intsagram

These statements become a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you write them down, you are affirming to yourself that you believe they are true. If you believe these statements are true, then you will subconsciously start acting in a way that aligns with them. 

So take out that journal and get to work on loving your life. 

Strike Out, 

Writer: Katie Sharp

Editor: Kimani Krienke

Notre Dame


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