Spring Self-Care Survival Guide

Image Courtesy: Instagram

As the spring season approaches, it’s about time to have a good spring cleaning. I’ve always felt that January through March tend to be the dreariest months of the year. Living in Florida means I don’t have a full winter season, but still have some low temperatures and cloudy skies. Now that it’s March, it’s finally warming up and spring is almost in full effect. What better way to defrost from the winter season than with some spring self-care?


Whether you need a face mask or some incense, splurge a little in the name of self-care!

2. Dress appropriately 

Put on your fave matching sweat set and tie your hair up. Put on a leave-in hair mask for optimal results. 

3. Grab a bev

Make yourself a coffee or grab a soda to sip.

Image Courtesy: Instagram

4. Set the scene

At this point, I usually light a candle or burn some incense for some good energy. 

5. Get cleaning 

Always clean from top to bottom. Wipe down surfaces and then clean floors. Wash bedding as well. I always recommend running your laundry while you clean to multitask! 

6. Closet clean out

This is where we’re gonna reorganize our lives. Clean out all those cluttered drawers and reorganize your closet.

7. Take a bubble bath

After working hard cleaning, relaxing in a bath is the best. I always use a face mask during this time too!

Image Courtesy: Instagram

8. Everything shower

Y’all know exactly what I’m talking about. The whole shebang.

9. Skincare

This is where we’re going to pull out all the stops. Dermaplane, whiten your teeth, do your eyebrows, use a gua sha…literally every skincare item you have, use it.

Image Courtesy: Instagram

10. Put on some PJs 

Now that our skincare is done, it’s time to put on some cozy pajamas and get into bed! Freshly shaved legs with clean bedding is the best feeling ever. IYKYK.

11. Work on some homework 

Spring usually means the middle of the semester. AKA midterms. Go ahead and set yourself up for success with schoolwork and studying. Your future self will thank you!

12. Start a new show or book

What better way to wind down than with a new TV series or a couple pages of a new book! If that’s not your thing, then grab a journal and write out some goals or tasks you want to accomplish during the new season.

Image Courtesy: Instagram

And there you have it! What a great way to set yourself up for the upcoming spring season. March 21st is the first day of spring, so mark your calendars! 

Strike Out,

Lydia Corbin

Editor: Maya Kayyal

Saint Augustine
Lydia Corbin is a blog writer, journalist, and production assistant for Strike Magazine. She is retrieving her BA in Communications. You can reach her at lydia@lydiacorbin.co or on Instagram at @lydiarcorbin.


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