High-Maintenance Self-Care: The Personality Behind It
We all have our daily routines; some are more detailed than others. Our personal habits fall under two categories: high and low maintenance. High-maintenance habits encourage long-term wellness and show traits of a type-A personality. Whether it is in regard to mental and physical health, or appearance, a high-maintenance approach to self-care is a large investment of time and effort on a day-to-day basis.
Maintaining a strict schedule not only keeps you organized in your daily life but allows for great time-management skills. When we know what to expect for our day, we are less stressed and can easily focus on tasks that are outlined for us to complete. Productivity and punctuality are positively influenced by effectively following a schedule. Not only is it beneficial to you, but to those around us as well. Being punctual shows that you value the time others have allotted for you and that you are capable of being responsible; possessing good character.
A new level of discipline is achieved once we incorporate weekly fitness routines into our lifestyle. Discipline is the structure for the mentality needed to stay on track and overcome obstacles. Your mentality is important when keeping up consistency with a task that requires an abundance of energy and pushes you past your limits mentally and physically. Wellness is not only physical or mental - it is both. With fitness comes diet; maintaining both is what allows us to see progress and helps us move forward in the process.
High-maintenance self-care implements high-quality products into a routine. High-quality skincare and haircare are essential for healthy skin and hair. Using products with natural ingredients and fewer chemicals, like biotin and keratin, and staying consistent in the process will allow for healthy results. Those that enjoy high-quality products also possess high standards. Not settling for anything less than what you think is deserved is a sign of self-respect. Holding yourself, other people, or things to a higher standard increases self-esteem, builds stronger bonds, and promotes better decision-making. It is more likely that your choices will align with your beliefs, you will be able to easily set boundaries, and maintain a positive self-image, if you maintain high standards and self-respect.
Dedicating time for our overall well-being is another characteristic of high-maintenance self-care. To some people, it may seem like such a demanding task, but many of us do not have much time in our schedules to prioritize our mental health. Activities such as daily journaling, affirmations, and reading therapeutic material specifically relate to the state of our mental health. Affirmations can alter a negative perspective and bring it into a positive light. Reading self-help material offers insight into methods of analyzing ourselves and helping us get to where we want to be mentally. Journaling alone reduces stress, pushes for growth and makes us more self-aware. We find more ways to love and care for ourselves when we learn more about who we are as individual people.
It takes a type-A personality rather than a type-B personality to commit to a high-maintenance lifestyle. The type-A behavioral patterns align with high goals and achievements, ambition and drive. This personality type is extremely organized and motivated. Being able to hold yourself to a higher standard allows self-respect to be valued and promotes self-love. The traits you find within a type-A personality will more than likely be found in a high-maintenance person.
Each of these aspects of upkeeping a steady routine, work to uplift each state of our being. Following a schedule, using quality products, and prioritizing ourselves physically and mentally, allows us to not only feel good about ourselves but also ensure positive wellness. Developing characteristics such as discipline, self-love, self-respect, and high standards, create a fulfilling lifestyle that will allow us to continue to grow.
Strike Out,
Amia King
Saint Augustine
Editor: Kaya O’Rourke
Amia King is a journalism writer for Strike Magazine, Saint Augustine. She is fashion-obsessed, and you will more than likely find her thrifting an absurd number of belts and bags. She intends to pursue a career as a columnist and fashion critic, continuing her work in digital and print media. You can reach her through Instagram @amiarking_ or email @aking222005@gmail.com.