Image Courtesy: Instagram

RuPaul Charles, America’s most iconic and influential drag queen, has been inspiring people across the nation since her launch into stardom in the eighties. Since then, she has released multiple albums, had her own talk show, launched her own podcast, released clothing products, written books, and most notably, hosted fourteen seasons of Rupaul’s Drag Race as well as six seasons of Rupaul’s Drag race: All Stars. RuPaul has been preaching self-love and encouraging self-expression and freedom in order to inspire fans to be absolutely unapologetic in who they are and face the world with their head held high. The following inspirational words, quotes, and catchphrases regularly used in the show are sure to help boost your self-esteem and make you feel empowered.

1. “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else! Can I get an amen?”

This is RuPaul’s signature catchphrase she uses to sign off at the end of every episode of Rupaul’s Drag Race. It’s important to remember to show yourself the same love and appreciation you give to others. Without a true appreciation of your own inner beauty and recognizing the hard work you put in every day, you can’t fully appreciate the work of others. Celebrate yourself! Put yourself first when necessary and make self-love a priority.

2. “What other people think of me is not my business. What I do is what I do. How people see me doesn’t change what I decide to do.”

RuPaul reminds us that as long as you are able to recognize your self-worth and value, it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks of you. As long as you have confidence in who you are and what you are doing, you have all the support and affirmation that you need. 

3. “When you become the image of your own imagination, it’s the most powerful thing you could ever do.”

You should always push yourself to reach your full potential. Have a vision of your goal in mind, and do whatever it takes to achieve it. When you reflect on how far you’ve come and how hard you have worked to reach that goal, you will know anything is possible. Once you become everything you’ve ever hoped to be, you will be unstoppable.

4. “I have been discriminated against by white people for being too black, by black people for being gay, by gay people for being too fem. Did I let them stop me from getting to this chair?”

RuPaul hasn’t let opposition in any form have a negative impact on her and prevent her from reaching her goals. She has stood up for herself in the face of adversity and continues to fight back against injustice in her truest and most sincere way. She does not apologize for who she is, instead she celebrates it. She doesn’t let the world, society, and the opinions of others tear her down.

Image Courtesy: Instagram

5. “Negativity is basically laziness. It takes a lot of hard work to remain positive, but positivity always pays off.”

Positivity is a choice and one of the most important ones we could ever make. It’s not always easy to look on the bright side, but Rupaul says we should put in the extra effort to see the bright side of things. Though it can be difficult at times, it is always worth it in the end.

6. “I feel like you’re being sabotaged by your inner saboteur.”

RuPaul recognizes that we are all our own harshest critic. There is always a hint of negativity that tries to tear us down or make us doubt ourselves. When we give a voice to that feeling, our “saboteur,” it has the power to destroy us. Although we are able to recognize the inner voice in our mind, we must make the choice to silence it ourselves. If you do not believe in yourself, then your inner “saboteur” will consume you. 

7. “Unless they’re paying your bills, pay them bitches no mind.”

Judgment from others shouldn't be a concern to you unless you are benefitting from their opinions. It’s important to ignore the negative voices in the world and focus on who you are and what makes you happy. People will always try to tear you down, and they should never be taken seriously. Your opinion of yourself is the only thing that matters.

Strike Out, 

Writer: Allison Kindley 

Editors: Marissa DeMaio & Madison Sloan 

St. Augustine 


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