People Are Portfolios
A portfolio is a collection of your strengths and your weaknesses, the best of the best from all of your past work, past experiences, and past relationships. People compile a portfolio in order to display their work, experience, and what makes them stand out. Many times, portfolios are used to show why they are the best fit for a particular position. But a portfolio can be more than just a collection of your past projects, it can be an allegory for other things as well.
When creating my own portfolio, I included background information that would both help introduce people to my character and understand the kind of person I am. I included some of my favorite pieces from projects that display range in my work, and I included my visions for whatever the specific opportunity was.
A good portfolio includes diversity and shows your style, your adaptability, and your values in quality over quantity.
In a way, people are portfolios. Collections of everything you are, everything you’ve been, and everything that you are yet to be; your best features and your flaws, your previous chapters in life and the things that you are most proud of—everything that best represents you as a person.
Just like how an investor wouldn’t put all of their money into a single stock, people shouldn’t invest everything into one skill, relationship, or aspect of life. In having a diverse portfolio, you become a diverse person. By investing in your personal growth, you invest in your future and wellbeing.
People, like portfolios, are made up of their individual experiences, skills, and relationships that shape their values over time. And just like a portfolio, people grow from these moments—learning to balance the risks and rewards, and learning how to manage their successes and failures.
People are shaped by their experiences and diverse attitudes towards life. Embracing your individuality and being authentic is what makes your portfolio unique.
After meeting someone new, you’re slowly introduced to their portfolio. They begin exposing themselves and their past. Through this portfolio, you’ll learn about all the good and the bad that comes with them, and the unchangeable aspect of them. When looking to truly get to know someone, just dig a little deeper— it’s in their portfolio.
Strike Out,
Elise Archer
Boca Raton
Elise Archer is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. She loves being inspired almost as much as she loves inspiring. She has a passion for everything creative- and she’s a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. If you can’t reach her, she’s either busy shopping, lost somewhere, or writing. But if you would like to: or on Instagram @elisearcherr