My Review of Curtain Bangs

To cut bangs or not to cut bangs? That has been the question since I was eight. But let’s address the elephant in the room. Bangs get a bad rep. Women who choose to cut bangs, no matter how suited their hair type or facial shape, are perceived as being on the verge of or in the midst of some sort of mental breakdown. Enter the 2020 fascination with curtain bangs. Curtain bangs are an effortless and admittedly versatile alternative to the straight-across bangs that we are all too familiar. With roots (no pun intended) in the ‘60s and ‘70s, this easy-going and spectacularly middle parted style acts as a sort of gateway to conventional bangs and are not only an excellent way to find out if you want to take the straight-across leap, but are also becoming THE hair trend for this season. They are just long enough to easily grow out and short enough to make you feel like you’ve made a major hair change – an undeniable perk.

Although I have wondered what I would look like with bangs (even before my obsession with Zoey Deschanel) I hesitantly admitted to myself that straight-across bangs would be a big no for a wavy haired woman like myself, and buried my dreams. Having experienced the increasing popularity of curtain bangs over the past year, however, I began debating whether or not I should resuscitate my fantasies. The unescapable and perfectly framed faces of celebrities on social media and encouragement from my own friends and family since the beginning of quarantine have finally convinced me to take the leap. I feel as though a years-long mission is about to be completed. And I can confidently say that getting them professionally cut is certainly a more viable option than my little sister unevenly trimming them at my request when I was eight.

The first step in my path towards curtain bangs was figuring out whether or not they would look good with my typical haircut and style. After admittedly extensive research, I came to the conclusion that they look surprisingly immaculate on anyone and everyone. The next step was obviously finding someone that I trust enough to actually cut them. And, having scoured salons and reviews for the perfect bang-friendly hairstylist, I finally found someone who seems to be an expert in my hometown and scheduled an appointment for the literal afternoon I arrive back home for Thanksgiving break. Though I am reluctant to wait these three weeks and am sure that you, as readers, are understandably disappointed by another bang connoisseur without any follow through, this decision has been living rent free in my mind for as long as I can remember. So, I want to ensure that the final result is the shaggy reality of my dreams (and yes, I have recurring dreams about bangs).

My advice to anyone considering getting curtain bangs are the same wise words spoken to me by my brave friends that took matters, or scissors, into their own hands over quarantine as well as those who waited for a more professional touch: go for it. You’ll never know if you don’t try and, from what I’ve seen, it is almost impossible not to look like the most cool-girl laidback version of yourself with these wispy bangs. And, if on the off chance that you actually end up hating them, they’ll grow out faster than you can say, “mistake.”


Strike Out,

Writer: Grace Castilow

Editor: Joey Flanagan

Graphics: Audrey Estupinan



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