Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams

Image Courtesy: Cosmopolitan

Whether you believe in manifestation or not, no harm can come from a shift in mindset. Truthfully, the fact of the matter is that the true power behind manifesting is putting taking that first step forward towards positive change. So, how can manifesting change your mindset and lead you to the life of your dreams?

Image Courtesy: Strike FSU

Let's start with the basics- what is manifestation? Miriam Webster defines the act of manifestation asking, “is to be clearly shown or visible.” This is precisely what we're trying to reach; this is our endgame! By manifesting good energy, positivity, and light into our lives, anything is possible. If you can mentally visualize your goals, they will soon be yours! So, how does one manifest? By using visualization and the power of your mind, you can take steps towards bringing tangible things into your life through the law of attraction. Well, what is the law of attraction? Positive thoughts will yield positive results, and we attract things into our life by what we focus on focusing on them. The practices of meditation and using manifestation are being used by many worldwide to create a positive space for change, regardless of your religion/ belief/ faith or outlook on life. But you're not here for the basics; you're here for what the title called for!

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The real secret behind coming into the best version of yourself is letting go of external influence, negative energies, and things that do not serve a purpose in your life. For most, the first thing and honestly perhaps the most challenging step forward is releasing those things that affect your life that do not create an environment for positive change and growth. It is human nature to want to hold onto things of the past and reminisce. We must not forget where we have come from, but holding onto past trauma stops us from exploring new things and living in the present tense. Another contributor to declining is harmful sources within your life.

A typical example of this could be is social media, and as humans, it is not natural that we have access to comparing ourselves for us to have access to strangers’ lives on the internet. By giving yourself space to remove yourself from negative influences, you are allowing yourself to be free of outward opinion, and— that is where true personal freedom lies. The real goal here is to clear your mind of all the toxicity that comes from the hustle and bustle of daily life and spend time thinking about yourself. I promise it's okay to be selfish!

Image Courtesy: Oprahdaily

Manifesting can be the beginning of the positive change that you've been looking for all this time. The most important takeaway from manifesting is that it can establish a sense of personal being. By thinking about who you want to become and what you want to attract into your life, you can learn more about the type of person you wish to be. Practice imagining your desired reality, and repeat goals and affirmations to set this positive change in motion. This practice can be done anywhere, really, so you have no excuse not to manifest the person you want to be! Practice imagining your desired reality, and repeat goals and affirmations to set this positive change in motion.

Strike Out,

Writer: Natalie DelleDonne

Editor: Roxy Rico

Graphic Designer: Abbey Fleming



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