Jokes Over, We Love Julia Fox

Image Courtesy: Strike Magazine Tallahassee

The last time we spoke it was Kanye, now it's Julia! You know the one. Julia Fox, an exerciser of unique fashion, good parenting, and women's rights. We’ll get into that later, first let’s address the hate. Julia seemed to get off on the wrong foot with, well, the whole world, when she was dating Kanye after the ever so non-public to extremely public Kimye divorce. This came as a shock to everyone; we saw them lunging out of cars in massive coats, wearing dramatic black eyeshadow, and running down shows and carpets in what most wouldn’t even call clothes but costumes. This isn't a debate over their outfit choices, though, because if Ye says it’s fashion - it's fashion. No, what they really did was make themselves known. While the relationship was short-lived, Julia did say that “having been around Kanye was like a crash course on how to be famous”. We agree.

Image Courtesy: Vanity Fair

Julia has proven herself worthy of this fame and while many will say she leeched off him she has taken her platform to gracious lengths and become a role model for many people. Frequent Netflix watchers may know her from Uncut Gems and frequent Tik Tok watchers will know her from “I was Josh Safdie's muse when he wrote Uncut Gems” but here’s the thing- she truly was the muse for Uncut Gems. The Safdie brothers (the writers and directors of the movie) said that the resemblance between Julia’s character and Julia was not purposeful; however, they did know her before and said they really couldn’t get her interesting life and personality out of their heads. Admitting that she indeed had a role in this character's persona. Speaking of her interesting life... where did Julia emerge from?

Image Courtesy: Vogue

It’s quite an interesting tale, to tell the truth because she didn’t just appear in Uncut Gems, she had been on the “scene” long before this movie. Julia was raised by her single father in New York City where she was introduced to the club scene very young. We all know that the club scene in big cities will get you places, good or bad, that’s something we don’t know the answer to. However, Julia enters this scene, she soon plays a dominatrix in high school, and then even directs a movie.

Image Courtesy: Interview Magazine

So, if I've lost you at this point Julia is directing her movie, and if that’s not surprising enough the movie is about a real-life prostitution ring in Reno. Currently, Julia is a party girl, a dominatrix, and a director but that is just the short list of her many roles in life; she is also an artist. She had a phase of art exhibitions that displayed scenes of sex, death, and much more. The exhibition of multi-media art forms even included her blood. To top it all off (but not at all because there are so many interesting things about Ms. Fox), she posed in Playboy’s last nude photoshoot of December 2015.

Image Courtesy: Daily Mail

So, as we reflect on this very condensed story of Julia's life, she may have taken flight from Kanye, but we believe that she watched him closely and learned how to handle fame. Now she spends her time being an amazing mother, pointing out great tips for single young mothers. She also advocates for women’s rights on her platform, pointing out things she simply thinks of with her beautiful brain. While she may seem radical, some people simply live their lives to be different. This is what Julia is all about.

Strike Out,

Writer: Ella Selph

Editor: Addy Crosby

Graphic Designer: Margaux Campion



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