Horror Highlights: A Curated List of Must-Watch Horror Movies

Image Courtesy: Strike Magazine Tallahassee

The evolution of horror movies is something to marvel at. They first emerged as a homage to gothic literature, working to translate fear from novels to the screen. The likes of Frankenstein (1931) and Nosferatu (1922) are where horror films got their start. Although they lacked the elements of special effects, color, and quality acting, these films set the standard for the horror movies that followed. The story doesn’t necessarily need to make sense, the acting doesn’t need to be top-notch, and the special effects can be funky - as long as the film gets your heart racing, it’s a success. How many movies can exact an emotion such as fear? So fear-inducing you may find yourself jumping out of your seat. Fans of horror films are similar to adrenaline junkies- once you experience that first jump scare, you’re hooked. It’ll have you wanting to experience another and another until you’ve watched every horror film that you could think of. That’s how it was with me. At this point, I’ve probably watched over two hundred horror movies. Every time I find an intriguing synopsis of a new horror film on Fandango, I’ll be in the Tallahassee AMC that night. I’m pretty well-versed in the genre, and I have some must-watch films for you to check out. Without further adieu, let’s dive into the list. Disclaimer, these films are not ranked in any particular order, nor am I ranking the top horror movies all-time. This list contains movies you probably haven’t seen that you must watch.  

As Above So Below (2014)

Image Courtesy: IMDb

As Above So Below is not only one of my favorite horror movies ever, but it is one of my favorite movies in general. Anybody that has an affinity for history will find this movie to be an incredible watch. It follows a group of individuals who go searching for treasure in the catacombs of France, but what they discover is not as gratifying and lovely as a pile of gold. Additionally, this movie is filmed in the first person, similar to the style in which a documentary is filmed. This makes the jump scares so much scarier, as your field of view is limited to that of the cameraman. Furthermore, the historical artifacts implemented into this film add another layer for horror buffs to peel back and learn more about. If you haven’t seen this movie yet, do yourself a favor and snuggle up with your favorite blanket, turn the lights off, and watch this cinematic masterpiece. You will not regret it. 

Smile (2022)

Image Courtesy: IMDb

Not many horror movies get the level of publicity this film received. Hiring actors to stand at sporting events and smile menacingly at the camera for the duration of the game was a prime example of marketing genius. I didn’t even know what the movie was about when I bought the ticket. I just showed up and waited to be wowed by the film itself, and let me tell you, I was wowed. I don’t think I can recall a movie that was so unsettling. The smiles in this film were genuinely the scariest part for me. Each time I see a poster or advertisement for the film, a shiver is sent down my spine. The storyline will have you at the edge of your seat for the duration of the film. This movie was so good that I couldn’t stop thinking about it for days after I watched it. I want to watch it again super badly, but part of me is too scared to. This is an absolute must-watch film. 

Midsommar (2019)

Image Courtesy: IMDb

This is another movie that incorporates dark history into the plot of the film. If you are a person that enjoys cinema relating to Norse mythology, there is a good chance you will enjoy this movie. For starters, the way this movie begins is crazy. You cannot see it coming, I had to pick my jaw up off the floor following the opening scene. The movie does not take its foot off the gas from there, it just gets better and better. Furthermore, the cinematography is absolutely stunning. The imagery is spectacular at almost every point in the film. Lastly, the ending will leave you with the same expression you’ll have after the opening scene. You have to watch this film if you haven’t already!

The Cabin in the Woods (2011)

Image Courtesy: IMDb

When I first watched this movie, I was only twelve years old. Far too young to watch this movie for sure, but I don’t regret my decision in the slightest. It’s a major reason why I’ve become the horror film connoisseur I am today. The plot of this film is simply amazing. If you haven’t seen it and you watch it now, you’ll find it pretty relatable. It’s a story of five college students who take a vacation to a cabin in the woods (as you can see, the title is pretty spot on). However, it isn’t your basic run-of-the-mill slasher. No, in fact, it’s way different. It’s another film where you won’t see what’s coming regardless of how many horror movies you’ve seen. It also got a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes, if you don’t want to believe what I have to say about it. 

The Black Phone (2021)

Image Courtesy: IMDb

Ethan Hawke’s The Black Phone is a story of a child abductor and murderer. It follows a boy, Finney, who sees kids he either knows personally or has heard of vanish, never to be seen again. Things take a turn for the worst when he becomes one of the children that’s abducted. Pretty interesting storyline, right? This movie is absolutely fantastic. Being a Blumhouse production, I’d expect nothing less. This is another movie that will have you at the edge of your seat from start to finish. It isn’t based on a true story, however, it’s somewhat inspired by true events. If you know about John Wayne Gacy, you will be able to notice the vast similarities between him and the antagonist. If I could go back, erase my memory of this movie, and watch it again for the first time, I would. This movie is nothing short of fantastic and rounds off this list perfectly. 

That concludes my list of horror movies. Hopefully I’ve inspired you to watch some of the aforementioned films. If you haven’t seen them and choose not to watch, it’s your loss. They are that freaking good! So please listen to my recommendations, thank you. Until next time!

Strike out, 

Writer: Lucas Zaret

Editor: Addy Crosby

Graphic Designer: Doron Yablonka



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