Fashion or Infantilization?

Ribbons. Let’s talk about them. I have watched slowly as ribbons have come back into style. Alice in Don’t Worry Darling (2022) and Barbie of Barbie (2023) fame both rocked ribbons in their blonde, flowy hair. Ribbons are a fairly economical way to tie in colors and textures or provide a new shape to an outfit. They are the make-or-break accessory to almost any outfit. And I have to admit – I don’t know how to feel about them.

I have seen my peers and friends all adorn ribbons in the form of necklaces, hair bows, and belts. I have watched them tie ribbons to their cowboy boots. They make me smile. I think about being young and weaving ribbons between my bike spokes to add more color to my bike. I think about the wall of hair bows in the bathrooms of the children I babysat. I think about the little bow at the top of panties and the center of my bra, right on top of my heart.

Where is the line?

We have a culture of pedophilic beauty standards for women. I mean, we are constantly sold anti-aging products, and if that isn’t the clearest enforcement of age as it relates to beauty standards, I don’t know what is. We are told to look youthful, to be small, to be shaven, to wear babydoll dresses. Taylor Percella Smith in her Medium article, “The Infantilization of Women and Peodophilic Beauty Standards” comments on this phenomenon: “Our society has normalized this infantilization of women with pedophilic beauty standards and sexual expectations, and although it may be a controversial take, it is clear as day once you begin to see examples of it manifest around you everyday. From hair removal, to pornography, to child pageants, to the erasure of tweens, and the emphasis of appearing youthful, the signs are flashing red all around us.” Ultimately, this issue of pedophilic beauty standards are deeply ingrained into our society. I am not saying that adhering to these standards are inherently wrong. Hell, I shave my legs, I pluck my eyebrows, I put on blush to seem youthful and playful.

Please don’t think I am a man-hater or that I think “All Men” think this way. I am just as aware as anyone that what people find attractive is highly subjective. But what we can do is criticize the beauty standards as put forth by popular media and culture. That is why this conversation is an important one when we see new trends pop up, particularly one that is so nostalgic in nature.

Because of this subjectivity that is inherent in self-expression just the same as attraction, when it comes to the resurgence of the ribbon trend, I tend to think it is fun, for the girls. I have worn a ribbon in my hair a few days this week as I have thought about this blog. I have really enjoyed it. Tying the ribbon in my braid, I feel young and cute. It brings back nostalgic feelings while tying together my outfit. With the influence that the Barbie Movie has had on popular culture, I think many young women are looking to embrace the sense of whimsy that comes with girlhood.

And sometimes, it just isn't that deep. Sometimes tying a ribbon in your hair or using ribbon as a necklace or belt is just damn cute.

Strike Out,

Writer: Jane Dodge

Editor: Sarah Singleton



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