Cousin Cabbage: Cabbage is For Everyone!

In a fashion industry with a current push for a minimalist aesthetic, it feels like our individuality is muted. Whites, golds, and nude tones are clean and chic, but what about expressing your personality with a little green? Sophie Li, cofounder of Cousin Cabbage, has created a brand on the foundation of color and inclusivity.

Image Courtesy: Sophie Li

Image Courtesy: Sophie Li

“Cabbage is for everyone!”  she stated, “and we just want it to be fun, who cares, what the f*ck. Men, women, whoever you are; it doesn’t matter. It’s gender neutral and it is what it is. It’s the idea of inclusivity and not really having a target market in mind. We just want to have an audience that cares about unique things and supporting Cabbage. Just really carefree, inclusive, and fun.”


Cousin Cabbage is a brand stemming from Sophie’s need to step away from the “digital world.”

“I realized…holy sh*t… spending 10-12 hours a day was ruining me. I needed an outlet to step away. There’s a lot of trial and error, but it’s really fun to experiment and let your creativity run wild.”


Cousin Cabbage is built on the notion of freeing our mind that is constantly captivated by blue light. The brand’s inventory has a range of spunky products, such as embroidered bucket hats, necklaces, resin keychains, phone cases, socks, and more. All of them feature bright colors and are unique designs for the brand. I mean, where else could you find a resin keychain shaped like a Nintendo Switch that reads “Switch Bitch,” officially called the “Janelle Keychain” on the store’s website.


Another reason to support the brand is its humble and heartwarming vision. With their core vision and goal being the desire to give back and donate for mental health advocacy, Sophie states,


“Our goal is never to be a big business or have clout. We just want it to be forever cabbage, forever fun, forever at our roots. Keeping our wholesome small business style because the whole growth thing isn’t our priority. As we grow, we just want to keep in mind that cabbage is for everyone… let’s keep it like that. Because I’ve seen a lot of businesses that start off so great and everyone is so into them and then all of a sudden, you’re like, ‘what did that company do?’ I feel like a lot of people just lose their value and that’s just one thing I don’t want to do. We’re not shooting for the stars. We’re just hoping to spread a good message.”


The next thing to be looking forward to from Cousin Cabbage is their potential collaboration with inspirational Influencers who represent their spunky and eccentric look. Sophie says they have the vision to have custom collections of their products.


As the mastermind behind Cousin Cabbage, speaking to Sophie felt like being with a true creative mind. She finds inspiration where no one else would, which is why the brand has such one of a kind products. Cousin Cabbage does not limit themselves when it comes to inspiration, stating, “When you get a full view of what is out there, under a specific aesthetic umbrella, you really get inspiration from everything. It might sound weird, but baked goods inspire me so much. Cakes, cookies, candies… and I feel like you can see that in Cabbage stuff. Yummy, sweet, glossy, pretty. It’s an aesthetic. That’s why our brand is a little bit all over the place, but it connected under an umbrella of things.”

Image Courtesy: Cousin Cabbage Etsy Shop

We should all push to support a brand that uplifts stripping fashion of its gender binary elements and overall positivity. In a minimalistic industry, express yourself differently. Support Cabbage. It’s for everyone!


Strike Out,

Writer: Alyson Brinkley

Editor: Joey Flanagan 



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