Combating Existential Dread

Image Courtesy: Strike Magazine Chattanooga

Have you ever thought to yourself: we are living on a floating rock in the middle of the universe that is constantly expanding and one day the human race will no longer exist? If you answered yes, you are definitely not the only one. It is terrifying to think how small we truly are and how little time we have on Earth. We are on a tiny planet revolving around a medium sized star and only getting farther away from everything around us. This reality is hard to face and causes existential dread. Why are we here? What is the true meaning of life? There are some theories, but in the grand scheme of things, no one really knows. These overwhelming thoughts are quite depressing and it’s easy to get stuck down an existential rabbit hole. 

Nihilism is the philosophical position that argues that there is no meaning or value in life. It argues that there is no solid proof of a higher power and rejects all religions and morals. This concept is one of the only philosophical ideals that allows for the possibility of absolute nothingness. Nihilism is most often associated with Friedrich Nietzsche, a philosopher who believed nihilism could cause mass destruction. Believing that nothing truly matters, and life has no meaning leads to a great amount of anxiety, fear, and anger. 

Here is a remedy made by the amazing Kurzgesagt: optimistic nihilism. Optimistic nihilism is the belief that if nothing truly matters and life has no meaning, then we should create our own meaning in life. We are not doomed to a meaningless universe; we get the opportunity to experience life on a beautiful planet in a gorgeous solar system. Optimism is the half glass full approach. It’s important to look at what you have rather than what’s lacking. 

So how do we apply this in real life? Finding your own purpose in life involves looking inward and understanding what can satisfy your needs for the long run. In American culture, we are taught from a young age that we have to go to college and find a 9-5 job and sit in an office until we retire. Personally, that sounds like hell. There are so many avenues you can take in this life; you are bound by nothing. Optimistic Nihilism is about finding your own purpose as well as not letting societal constructs control your life. If nothing matters, then don’t worry about the times you felt embarrassed, because when you are gone, so are all of those moments. You are the only person experiencing your life and your thoughts. Don’t waste this precious time worrying about what others think of you and surround yourself with people who make your time here enjoyable. 

If you have trouble finding your own meaning, I urge you to take some time to daydream. I encourage you to throw away the I can’t do it mentality, because if you are devoted and driven, you can do anything. This has helped me get through some of my darkest moments. I used to believe that nothing matters and my actions have no consequences, but they do. I make healthy decisions in order to wake up every day and feel better about my reality. I cannot let myself get in the way of enjoying my life and I cannot let others influence my actions. I get to be on this little floating rock in the middle of this infinitely growing universe and have the capability to do whatever I want if I believe in myself. I will not waste my precious time overthinking my mistakes, caring what other people think, and partaking in toxic behavior. I am optimistic about my present and my future, and I believe every single person in the world has the power to make their reality positive. 

Strike Out,

Writer: Zay Naeem

Editor: Jane Dodge

Graphic Designer: Stu McGuire


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