Anthony Po Strikes Again, Timothee Chalamet Look-a-like
Image Courtesy: The Quill
New York’s very own superhero, Cheese Ball Man (Anthony Po), a short skits YouTuber, strikes again. This time instead of donning the typical orange ski mask with a jar of cheeseballs for everyone to watch as he eats, the heroic man organized a Timothee Chalamet look-alike contest, striking joy in the hearts of all the inner fan girls and giving possibly already arrogant mena chance to prove their likeness to the sought-after celebrity.
Image courtesy: GQ
For those who may not know, Timothee Chalamet is a renowned French-American actor loved and even awarded for roles including the peach-obsessed Elio from “Call Me By Your Name,” hopeless romantic Teddy Lawrence from “Little Women” circa 2019, and Nicolas Sheff from “Beautiful Boy,” not to exclude his lovely work in his rap, Statistics (Ms.Lawton). Outside of his well-known acting abilities, Chalamet has also been recognized for stunning good looks, even holding the effervescent throne of “White Boy of the Month” on X, formerly Twitter. With such high accolades, I am not surprised by Po’s choice of celebrity for this contest.
Image Courtesy: La Voce di New York
Po garnered attention for his stunt via posters throughout the city and online invites through the company Partiful, who sponsored the event. Po took this event quite seriously as the host, wearing a full suit and top hat while also flying out one of three judges, showing the contestants that he meant business. Not only did contestants have to emulate the mops of dark curls, aquiline noses, and sky-high cheekbones of the actor, as said by GQ staff writer Eileen Cartter, they had to impersonate his characteristics, such as his proficiency in the French language and answering questions about his rumored relationship with Kylie Jenner.
As expected, things went awry as hundreds of attendees and contestants showed up at Washington Square Park for the contest, only for police to request that they move to another nearby park due to the crowd's size. One look-alike was even arrested at the event, and the host, Po, received a $500 fine for “Hosting an unauthorized costume contest.” Po also contacted the arrested look-alike, offering to cover his legal fees.
Image Courtesy: GQ
Now, for what all of you have been waiting for, the winner, 21-year-old Staten Island dweller Miles Mitchel, is pictured in a purple Willy Wonka costume. Mitchel most likely received the promised $50 cash prize, while other contestants won something a bit more memorable: meeting the actor himself, who showed up for a few short minutes before being escorted away by a bodyguard.
Po’s antics made for a shockingly entertaining Sunday afternoon for contestants, attendees and those who watched internationally. I’m excited to see what Po’s antics will bring next.
Strike Out,
Katherine Fivgas
Editor: Anna Kadet