A Senior's Bucket-list Before Graduating

Image Courtesy: Hannah King 

Four years ago, I was in the first semester of my senior year of high school. I had no idea where I wanted to attend college and was lost about the future. I loved my high school experience but was saddened by the fact that I would soon leave the people who shaped me. I had applied to many colleges, one of which was the University of Georgia. However, I had no real intention of going to UGA and had low expectations in terms of my acceptance. When I opened my portal in March of my senior year and saw the fireworks, I knew that it was worth a weekend trip to Athens to see if Georgia was where I belonged. Four years later, I sit in my college house in Athens with my six roommates and am almost halfway through my senior year. I have loved my time at this University, and there are very few things that I would change about my college experience. 

I have seven months left in this city and I want to make sure that I make the most of it. So, I present to you my Athens bucket list. 

  1. Tapped Athens: Athens’s newest wine-tasting experience! Wine, dinner and friends sounds like the perfect evening to me! 

  2. Bar Hopping: There are more than 80 bars in a single square mile in downtown Athens. My goal is to step foot in at least 75% of them before I graduate. 

  3. Iron Horse: While this site is not technically in Athens, it is a nearby sculpture that I need to see! 

  4. Bear Hollow Zoo: While it seems silly, I have never been to Athens’ little zoo! I have heard such great things about the critters and animals, so I must see them for myself. 

  5. Cine: Downtown’s charming independent cinema. They show a variety of movies and independent films. I have yet to check it , so I need to grab some friends and some popcorn and see the latest movie. 

  6. Restaurants: There are a few iconic restaurants that I have yet to try! The list includes Five and Ten, The National, Puma Yu’s, Osteria Olia, Athens Cooks and South Kitchen + Bar. 

  7. The UGA Fountain: Every year, freshmen kick off their time at Georgia by jumping in the fountain. Somehow this monumental experience was one that I missed out on and forgot to take part in my freshman year. Therefore it is only fitting that I do this before I graduate! 

There are many more places I want to go, food I want to eat and experiences I want to fulfill. I have made it my goal to leave Athens feeling like I did what I could to truly get to know all that this city has to offer. There are 213 days until I graduate from the University of Georgia. While I can feel time slipping through my fingers, I know there is plenty of time for me to enjoy my last few months in the Classic City. 

Strike Out,

Hannah King

Editor: Anna Kadet

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