Is @DeuxMoi Our Modern Day Gossip Girl?
Image Courtesy: Strike Magazine Boca
Word on the street is that @DeuxMoi is our modern day celebrity Gossip Girl, but how did this Instagram account even start and what’s so interesting about their content? We’ll give you the rundown.
DeuxMoi started back in 2013, but only recently gained a bigger following at the start of 2020. It was linked to a blog which had the same name. The IG account currently has a cult following of about 1.4 million and has transformed the celebrity news industry in a truly unique way. It’s safe to say that when I see DeuxMoi’s little IG story circle pop up on my feed, I'm not only tapping through the stories, but also reading attentively.
So, it’s a blog turned Instagram account that posts about celebrities, but what makes it so enticing? First of all, it's based on anonymous submissions. Tipsters, who could be Hollywood assistants, mutual friends, publicists, nannies, flight attendants, drivers, and maybe even our most-loved celebrities, spill all the insider info to DeuxMoi through DM or email. From coffee orders to when certain movies are bound to be released in the upcoming months. DeuxMoi truly covers all the bases. Just to be clear, since this is all anon, does one know what’s 100% confirmed to be true and what’s false? Nope! Unless proven to be true or false by the celebrity, it’s free for all! But just because it's not confirmed, doesn't mean we shouldn't give into the DeuxMoi game.
One chooses what to believe and what not to believe. Some may say, “Why are you wasting your time on celebrity gossip that might not even be true?” For others, it’s the perfect amount of gossip. In this day and age, magazines like People or US Weekly simply do too much. What DeuxMoi does right, is it gives you the gossip straight up without sugar coating or trying to give a biased opinion. The fact that it’s anonymous has a lot to do with it. At the end of the day, the person submitting it just wants someone to share that info with and DeuxMoi is the perfect corner of the internet to share it to. In an interview with Elle Magazine the creator of DeuxMoi gives her take on the accuracy aspect of the submissions, “No, not in the least bit, for one split second, do I feel one iota of responsibility to be accurate,” she says. “I am a private account. I’m not verified. So I don't know why people trust what I'm saying. I think about it all the time. Like these people don't even know who the fuck I am and they're like sending me in their secrets and breaking their NDAs. But also, I take it very, very seriously. I never reveal a source or go back on my word if I’m asked not to post something. I guess that vibe shines through somehow, because people keep spilling their guts.”
All in all, if you’re into knowing the ins and outs of celebrity culture and what Zendaya’s recent coffee order is—a venti iced matcha green tea latte with coconut milk btw—then I suggest you give DeuxMoi a follow. If you don’t care, c’est la vie, you’re better than me!
Strike Out,
Maria Paula Gonzales
Boca Raton
Maria Paula Gonzales is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. When she’s not writing her way through life, she enjoys thrifting, looking for concerts to attend, and spending as much time in nature as possible. You can reach her at