5 Ways To Make ANY Resolutions Realistic

Image Courtesy: Strike Tallahassee

A month in to the new year, and you’re either one of two people. One, the person telling themselves that they’ll “get around” to starting their new year's resolutions. Or two, the person that gave up their resolution three weeks ago. Not to worry though! Here are 5 proven ways to successfully stay on top of your New Year's resolutions.


1. Soo… what now?

First things first. When setting a goal, you want to avoid being general at all costs. Be as specific as possible! Whether your resolution is to lose weight or procrastinate less, make sure to figure out exactly WHAT you want to do and HOW you are going to do this. Be specific. Having a step by step plan will give you the direction that you need to accomplish your resolution. Additionally, figure out WHY you want to accomplish this. Doing this will not only bring validity to your desires but will give you motivation to achieve your end goal!


2. Make the Announcement!

Tell the world (or anyone that will listen) what you’re doing! Studies have shown that by saying things out loud to someone and writing them down makes them more realistic. An article by Mary Morrissey for Huffington Post revealed a study done by psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews that proved, “you become 42% more likely to achieve your goals and dreams, simply by writing them down on a regular basis”. Whether it be in an agenda, a calendar in your room, or a post-it note on your bathroom mirror, make sure to write down your resolutions and have them in plain view as a constant reminder to work on them.


3. Length Matters

Despite what people may tell you, length DOES matter! Setting multiple short-term goals has been proven to be more beneficial than setting a singular long-term goal, given the practicality of accomplishing several small tasks as opposed to one large one. No matter what your resolution may be, it is much better to set daily, weekly or monthly milestones for yourself that are simpler and far more efficient than just giving yourself “until the end of the year” to accomplish. For example, you may limit yourself to one hour on social media a day in order to accomplish your resolution of spending less time on your phone or computer. Or, you may tell yourself that at the end of every two weeks, you must have gone to the gym a certain amount of times in order to accomplish your resolution of being more active. Having specific deadlines will pressure you to stay on track with each milestone and will motivate you to complete each designated step as the year moves. And don’t forget to track your progress!


4. Mom’s Always Right: “You are who you are friends with”

Although it may be hard to admit sometimes, she has a good point. Being around people who have different mindsets and different goals can make things difficult. However, when you share interests and ambitions with others, it will naturally drive and inspire you to accomplish more. Working on similar goals as your friends or people close to you can make your resolutions fun and exciting- not to mention that you’ll stay way more motivated!


5. Good Things Come to Those Who WORK!

Let’s be real, you’re not going to really change anything overnight. And big, drastic changes to your lifestyle can be scary, complicated, and difficult to be consistent with. But by implementing smaller changes to your everyday life, you can make your end resolutions far more attainable and way less frightening! Making small steps in the right direction on a daily basis goes a long way, and make sure to keep in mind- small progress is WAY BETTER than no progress at all!


Strike Out,

Writer: Mia Permuy

Editor: Savannah Tindall

Graphic Designer: Sophie Li

Florida State University


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