20 Lessons I Learned Turning 20

As I approach my 21st birthday, I feel at peace with who I am and what decisions have led me to the place I am at in my life today. While this is all true, acceptance has not always been the journey; there are many mistakes and bumps in the road that have accompanied me throughout my life. So, it is only natural that I share the lessons that I wish I would have known with you all as my 20th trip around the sun comes to a close. Please take this with a grain of salt, and take what resonates with you as an individual. 

  1. Don’t Save the Candles 

This saying comes from the idea that you shouldn’t hide your prettiest birthday candles away in a drawer until one special birthday. You should celebrate every birthday to the fullest. To life, this means celebrating your loved ones and yourself every chance you get; the point of living is to be happy and love others. Don’t let the trials and tribulations stop you from enjoying every moment. 

2. Know your worth 

  1. If you are questioning whether that person likes you, they don’t like you enough to be worth your time. Anyone who is truly invested in you will show you that, no questions asked. 

3. Don’t take things too seriously 

Don’t stress yourself out trying to be perfect, just try your best. This sounds cliche because it is, but it is also true. As time passes, your mistakes matter less and less. 

4.Don’t buy everything you see at the thrift 

If those really cute pants are 5 sizes too big for you, leave them for someone else. They are not worth wearing 8 belts or being uncomfortable. 

5. Money spent on experiences is never a waste of money

Going out with friends, going on a trip, or even taking an expensive workout class are all investments into yourself. They make you more well rounded, and that is a good thing. 

6.Books are brain food 

A good book soothes your mind while teaching you something. You should always at least be trying to read or listen to a book, if you can. 

7.The internet is not a bad place

Parts of the internet are bad; focus only on the good ones. Follow people who make you happy, block those who don’t. This is hard to do, but you can do it. 

8.Eat whenever you want 

Your stomach can’t tell time, you can eat a snack past 9pm, it’s okay. Fuel yourself properly and be kind to your body. 

9. Not everything is worth an argument

Sometimes you will meet someone who is even more stubborn than you and you’ll want to waste your breath convincing them that you’re right, but don’t. As long as you believe something to be true, that is enough. 

10.EVERYONE is different

What offends you may be normal to others, try to think from someone else's perspective before you think yourself into a bad mood. 

11.Study in increments 

You can’t learn everything the day before, studying a little everyday will go way farther.

12.Be nice to your family 

As much as you may get frustrated with them, they are people too. They are also just figuring things out as they grow up, so give them the grace they have given you over the years. 

13.Be proud of your body

Your body has hiked trails, swam in the ocean, ran miles, etc. Be grateful for how much your body does for you now. One day you will be older and you will dream of your younger self, what your body looked like will not matter. 

14.Don’t text them

Chapters end for a reason. Don’t go back to a situation for the sake of comfort or closure. Growth happens when you are uncomfortable. 

15.Try your best to be vulnerable

Being vulnerable is HARD. People who care about you will understand that it is hard for you, but keep trying until it isn’t. And if someone doesn’t take your emotions and feelings seriously, they can get lost. 

16.You are allowed to feel however you want

You cannot control your feelings, you can choose to act on them, but you cannot control them. Feel your feelings and when you’re done, use your brain to address situations. 

17.Quality over Quantity

Having 5 close friends is better than 500 acquaintances. Try to find people you can have real conversations with, not just small talk. 


It’s okay to miss out on things sometimes. You do not have to be at every hangout or at every party, and I can almost guarantee that the event was way different and maybe not as fun in real life as it was on instagram. 

19. Working out doesn’t have to suck

Lifting weights, running, yoga, etc are not the only workouts. Kayaking, hiking, swimming outside, etc are all activities that make your body work, so find something you enjoy. If you end up getting bored of it, try something else, there are endless activities you can do that do not involve a sweaty gym. 

20.Trust yourself

At the end of the day, you are the only person who knows everything about yourself. Trust your judgment and decisions, and if you are wrong, trust that one day you will be okay again. 

Thank you for reading. 

With love,

Kushi Zaver

Strike Out,

Written by: Kushi Zaver

Edited by: Jane Dodge

Graphic by: Gus Gaston


Tee for Three


Words of Affirmation: A Universal Self-Love Language