Your Fashion ins and outs… are out
Image Courtesy: Instagram
According to TikTok, leopard print and the ‘mob wife’ aesthetic is in and the ‘clean girl’ aesthetic is out in 2024.
Image Courtesy: FootwearNews
Entering the new year, one of the app’s most popular trends was a running list of fashion ‘ins’ and ‘outs.’ The running roster was completely personal to the individual poster, but some common outs viewers could expect to see included sambas, jorts and crop tops. The ins? Bright red, chunky jewelry and, of course, the micro mini skirts.
While, I’m aware trend cycles are inevitable and no matter how many times people scream about the wastefulness of buying new clothes every time something ‘trends,’ I can’t help but reiterate how our hyper-fixations of what's “in and out” not only contributes to already unsustainable fashion, but also severely contributes to the death of individualism within fashion.
People make countless videos asking the question “what are we wearing this summer?” or “can we normalize wearing …?” that viewers have succumbed to the ideas of other people and fail to personalize their clothes. It’s never harmful to take inspiration from people when trying to find your own style, but when people only listen to the voices of others the possibility of uniqueness diminishes.
Trends exist within the fashion community to continue having people consume and although everyone is undeniably aware of the fact that brands like Shein are unsustainable it has not helped with the hunt for clothes now produced by more expensive brands that keep up with the ever evolving fashion market.
The pressure to be accepted within the fashion industry/community is real. But, wearing something that’s deemed ‘not acceptable’ or ‘out of season’ by an arbitrary point of view leaves out so many people who have such unique styles —and the opportunity to experiment with what you want and like to wear.
Fashion is an individual and personal art and should be treated as such. You don’t need to buy coquette bows or kitten heels because someone in a magazine said that’s what’s ‘trending’! Especially if you feel like it’s not your style. So, to the in’s and out’s of the upcoming season. You’re officially out.
Strike Out,
Writer: Kyla Smith
Editor: Annika Chaves