Why Are Men Afraid of Smart Women?

Growing up, I was fortunate to be raised by a powerhouse of determination and ambition—my mother. A career-driven force of nature, she not only conquered professional challenges but also instilled valuable lessons that shaped my worldview. From the early days of my childhood, she instilled in me the belief that gender should never be a limitation and that my dreams were boundless. Watching her navigate the complexities of the professional world, I absorbed her profound sense of self-assurance. My mother's unwavering support and the example she set fueled my confidence, reminding me that I could aspire to achieve anything I set my mind to. And that being a smart, ambitious, driven woman is the hottest thing on the planet. However, one thing she forgot to mention is how some men view these types of women.

Navigating the waters of adulthood, I found myself confronted by the realization that not all men think like this. Realizing that a lot of men find comfort in belittling women or making sexist jokes at the expense of women was an extremely hard pill for me to swallow. However, what was difficult for me was how these men reacted if I called them out for their 1930s view on women. Suddenly, I was being labeled as a raging, anti-male, man-hating woman. 

I have come to understand that this type of labeling is not just a unique experience. A lot of women have to deal with this. For example, Taylor Swift wanted to own the music that she wrote. When she spoke out on the injustice she dealt with, she was suddenly uptight. Meghan Markle spoke up about women's empowerment, then she became a b*tch. Ariana Grande stated she wants to have the same opportunities as men; suddenly, she is labeled a boy-basher. It's an unfortunate reality that many women who courageously address and call out injustice in the public are hastily subjected to the dismissive label of being a man-hating feminist.

Unfortunately, this issue carries over into dating. Because of societal expectations, men have often been conditioned to perceive themselves as superior, making it challenging for them to embrace women with a competitive edge—those who possess intriguing perspectives and opinions that may either challenge or expand their own. In some cases, the discomfort reaches a point where men may prefer to overlook an intelligent woman for someone else rather than risk being corrected or outshone. The root of this issue seems to lie in the perception that smart women somehow threaten traditional ideas of masculinity. However, wouldn't keeping pace with an intelligent woman be more invigorating than expecting her to downplay her intellect? 

Smart women bring valuable perspectives, growth, and positive contributions to relationships and society. Real men recognize that intelligence is an asset, not a threat, and embrace smart women as partners on the journey of life.

Strike Out,

Anjali Kamath

Boca Raton

Anjali Kamath is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. When she’s not belting her heart out on karaoke she’s either at the yoga studio or spending all her money. She’s a textbook Aries and a Diet Coke enthusiast. You can reach her at anjalikamath460@gmail.com


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