Understanding the Essence of People

Image Courtesy: Elephant Journal

On the daily, we don’t usually think about people and how we perceive them. Your mind doesn’t go straight to the thought of someone's character: how they present themselves or what type of personality they have. Over time, we start to notice the essence of an individual and start to realize the genuine foundation of this person and how they handle varying situations. Is this person reliable? Are they dependable? Do they only think about themselves when moments get difficult? I've gone through a shift in my own mentality when it comes to how I interact with people, and it came from losing my gullibility in the past year. We learn by giving people the benefit of the doubt that not everyone’s character and true essence is as beautiful as we envisioned it. However, some moments make us grateful to be in the presence of someone in a specific context, where the experience wouldn’t be the same without them. People can hold this essential space in our lives, and it’s up to us to truly understand what makes up the inner workings of an individual, how that impacts our interactions in our own lives, and how we engage with one another.

I personally define character as a way of encompassing an individual's essence and how they handle situations. An individual’s essence provides us with a sense of who they are, and their identity, encompassing their beliefs and the inner foundation of one’s personality. The essence is the constant in an individual. Although people are always changing and adapting to new experiences, there’s that consistent core of an unwavering individual. Having a stronghold of our character can create a sense of not only confidence in the self but also allows people to have confidence and trust in you.

Image Courtesy: Registry Partners

Specific life experiences can serve as catalysts in our lives that illustrate an individual's true intention and reveal who they are internally. In these life-altering moments we can determine how a person that we hold close brings out their inner workings, reveals their core attributes, and demonstrates their concern for those around them in moments that matter. These experiences showcase one’s character and expose how much care they have for those around them. A defining experience might involve making a difficult choice that could either benefit oneself at the expense of a close relationship or maintain neutrality for both parties. These conditions can be seen as litmus tests for a person's character and influence the choices we make moving forward. These conditions force us to face ourselves and our true essence as well. As Paulo Coelho says in The Alchemist, when we are faced with these tests, “making a decision is only the beginning of things. When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current”.This current can lead us to appreciate someone more than ever before, which forges connections that enrich our life experiences.

Image Courtesy: Reading is Fundamental

Our perception of people's character and essence is a dynamic journey, influenced by how they present themselves and their actions over time. It's a process that is constantly changing as we gain a more in-depth understanding of individuals, often challenging our initial assumptions. Over time we begin to recognize how people navigate situations and uncover their essence.

Strike Out,

Writer: Emily Montarroyos

Editor: Cristina Angee



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