The World of Astrology Part I

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College is a monumental milestone in anyone’s life, as this is your own personal era of exploration, of self-discovery.  While this is all great and riveting, it’s hard to find your purpose when you don’t even have a basic understanding of why you are the way that you are.  Although it may be scoffed and laughed at on social media, astrology is an incredibly eye-opening subject to study, and may reveal more about your innermost self than you would think.

Devil’s Advocate: *nasally* “But astrology is a pseudoscience, there’s no real meaning behind it!”

So we’re just supposed to ignore the proven fact that our moon singlehandedly affects the entirety of our oceans?  Furthermore, you’re expecting us to believe that the moon is the only celestial body that can have an effect on our lives here on Earth?  Okay.

The world of astrology is a vast and archaic one, making it all too easy to get lost amongst the terminologies, patterns, planets, and meanings.  This column is meant to become your trusted guide in all things astrology, holistic living, and otherworldly occurrences. Here goes nothing.  

Everyone is aware of their Zodiac sign- you can easily look up your birth date and bam, there it is. What isn’t discussed is how the basic Zodiac sign you’re familiar with is only your sun sign- one of many aspects that go into something called your natal chart. Your natal chart is essentially a map of how the stars, planets, and even black holes were aligned the moment you were born. Having the exact minute you were born is crucial, as some aspects shift each hour. To create an accurate natal chart for yourself (it’s free!), you can make it here. If it overwhelms you already, don’t even worry. We’ll get to all of that, I promise.

Your sun sign is very likely the sign you’re most familiar with.  It’s one of the three primary aspects, and is represented by symbol ☉. It is described as the inner power that will help you progress in life,

as well as representing your ego and the framework to your basic identity.  You can look up the trusted interpretations of your sun sign here.

Your moon sign is the second of the three primaries, and although it’s quite obvious, is represented by the symbol ☽.  It is connected to your emotions, feelings, and moods.  If you ever wonder why your emotions react how they do- you can find your moon signs interpretation here.

Lastly, your ascendant sign (also known as your rising sign) is represented by the symbol  ASC.  Think of it as your protective exterior shell- the face you present to people.  While I say “face”, it is in no way fake. It’s the inadvertent way people perceive you, whether you see it yourself or not.  To see what your rising sign means for you, click here

While these three aspects do not even come close to summarizing astrology, I hope this quick peek into the subject has shown how intricate, reassuring, and empowering astrology can be.  Whether or not you believe in it, I personally have found closure with my natural behavior as well as self-growth through them.  Even if you don’t find yourself mesmerized by it, sometimes taking a quick glance can help you comprehend things you might not be able to without looking to the stars for help.  

Stay tuned, though, because next week we’ll be covering your sign in Venus- the fancy astrological way for understanding and discussing love-languages.

Strike Out,

Writer: Gillian McKendree

Editor: Savannah Tindall



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