The Ultimate Cuffing Season Survival Guide

I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but cuffing season is here. As the leaves change and the weather gets colder, cuddling up on the couch watching Sunday football and scary movies sound much better when you have someone to watch them with. Unfortunately, getting cuffed is not in the cards for some of us, and watching everyone post their overly cute fall dates just might make you want to throw up. Others simply don’t want to get cuffed and are determined to fight the temptations of the season and make it through single. Whatever your battle is, here is your ultimate survival guide this cuffing season. 

For the people who are ready for the pumpkin carving dates, this one’s for you. At this point, you probably have some weird situationship, or you have your eye on someone. If you don't, no sweat! As the season goes into full swing, people will start crawling out of the woodwork looking for a date to Thanksgiving dinner. 

To my situationship survivors, it’s time to have the conversation. I know it’s not what you want to hear, but that’s the only way this thing will happen. They already like you enough to have kept it going for this long, so you're going to have to give them the ultimatum. Ask them straight up: are they in it for real, or are they ready to bail out? If they bail, you at least know you’re not wasting your time anymore, and you can get ready to go on the hunt for someone who won’t. This one’s situational, but if they make excuses prolonging their answer, it's probably in your best interest to let them go. Most of the time, they're only making excuses because they're not ready to commit, and I know you’ve already heard it from all your friends, but you can do better! It’s brutal out here on a college campus, but you will find someone who likes you and is ready to be with you and only you. 

To the people who are crushing from afar, it’s time to step it up. I know it’s scary, but you're going to have to muster up the courage to say something. If they’re a friend, this is a perfect place to start. I know it’s cliché, but friendship is the best foundation for a relationship. The best thing you can do is tell them how you feel. If they’re not feeling the same, don’t get defeated! What’s meant to be will be, and it means they probably just weren’t right for you. I know it sucks, but like I said to my situationship people, you will find someone! 

Now, if this person is someone you’ve maybe only talked to a few times, or even not at all, you got this! I wish I could tell you to style your hair in some way or wear certain clothes, but honestly, it won’t help. The only way to truly get someone to fall for you is to be yourself (also so cliché, ew, but I’m being serious). Go up to them; if you need some liquid courage, that’s okay (just not too much, take it from me). Try to find common ground. Figure out something that interests you both and start with that. Try to make the conversation flow, be funny, be sweet, be weird, and just do whatever you do best! Everyone has their own set of likable personality traits, so use them! I know you might not want to, but take it slow. Rushing into things usually doesn’t work how you want it to long term. Build that foundation, and go on that pumpkin carving date! And fear not, socially awkward friends! Strike has the extra resources if you need. 

For the people who are just not ready for that relationship, it’s all good! Your journey with yourself this season is going to be awesome. Whatever your reason is, it’s valid, and you deserve this time for yourself. Now, I won’t sit here and lie to you; it will be tough, but you got this. Remember, when you’re looking at these couples' posts, it’s only the highlights. Try to remind yourself of the downs that come with relationships too. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies like they're making it out to be. If the posts get to be too much, take a break from social media. I get it; it can be tough, but if you’re on a self-healing journey, it can be beneficial in other ways too. While it can’t protect you from seeing them out and about in public, at least you don’t have to stare at a flick of them kissing in front of the Christmas lights. Take this time to occupy your mind with things other than a relationship. You’ve given yourself the gift of not being obligated to make time for someone else. Pick up that hobby you’ve always wanted to do, or start taking fun classes! Learn to cook, go to yoga, and start that Etsy shop! You can learn to enjoy taking the time to get to know yourself. Being alone for some time can bring so much peace and growth to a person, and when your roommate comes home crying because their new-found love cheated on them, enjoy knowing that it’s not going to happen to you.


I promise you, one way or another, we will all make it out of this cuffing season alive. 

Strike Out, 

Morgan Harms 

Boca Raton

Morgan Harms is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. She is a Pisces mermaid with a love for the ocean. She spends her free time daydreaming, wave-watching and blasting whatever music she’s into that day. You can reach her by email at or on Instagram @morganjharms.


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