The Talk You Never Had

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Good morning, afternoon, or evening to you!

It is so interesting to me how little people talk about sex, that is unless it is the vulgarities you see on television that depict the stereotype of what a high school football team’s locker room might sound like.

With that being said, today we are talking about sex! In my opinion, sex can be a very beautiful thing. It doesn’t have to be so hush-hush the way that most parents, schools, and public figures make it out to be. Unfortunately, if you’re like me and most teenage girls growing up, 75% of what you’ve learned about sex has come from Twitter and the other 25% has come from that terrifying birthing video they show in your sex education class in a public high school setting.

Sex is something to be enjoyed, as long as all of the possible safety precautions are being taken, such as condoms, and plenty of consent is made by both (or multiple if that’s what you’re into) parties before anything happens.

And please for the love of everything don’t be afraid to tell your sexual partner what you like and/or ask your counterpart what you can do for them! Sex is a two-way street, with giving and taking. I have heard way too many stories both in real life and online about people who do not speak up to their partners about what they like and in turn, they are not being sexually fulfilled in their relationship! Cut that shit out–talk about it! Having conversations about boundaries as well as likes and dislikes is NOT a turn-off. If anything, it is sexy!

So, what exactly do I mean by “talk about it?” Well for starters, especially in heterosexual relationships, and if you do not have a ton of experience, there might be times when you literally need to spell it out for your partner. In heterosexual relationships, you do not have the same functioning parts when it comes to sexual anatomy, which means that you may not know right off the bat the best ways to please your partner. The best way to work through that situation is, yes you guessed it, to communicate! It may take some trial and error, and it may not seem like rainbows and butterflies at first, but ultimately you and your person will be left happy.

In same-sex relationships, there are definitely still things that need to be discussed as well. These things should not be scary, and talking about them with your partner is supposed to feel like a step forward for both of you in a sexual nature and also to bring you closer as people. Did you know that, statistically speaking, millennials and members of gen Z are having a LOT less sex than generations before us? Apparently, younger people are settling into adult-like milestones such as childbirth and marriage later than normal, and along with that people are having sex much later than they used to! It turns out COVID is not the only thing keeping young people from having sex;

I would like to point out that it is perfectly normal not to delve into sex at a young age as well, and no one should ever feel ashamed that they are not sexually active if they are not ready. Everyone is prepared for things like sex at different times and no two people are the same. Don’t rush into things like sex just because they’re trendy, because ‘everyone else is doing it’, or because you think you are falling behind. Wait until you’re comfortable so that you can make sure you’re making the right decision!

Read that again.

And when you are, be sure you’re being safe and having fun!

Strike out,

Writer: Macie Herbert

Editors: Madison Sloan and Marissa DeMaio

Saint Augustine


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