The Perfect Spooky Movie Recommendation Based on Your Zodiac

With the spirit of Halloween still fresh on our minds, there’s nothing better than continuing the spooky season vibes by curling up on the couch with your favorite blanket and watching a movie. Having a difficult time choosing what to watch? Look no further. Here is the perfect spooky movie for your zodiac sign: 


Capricorn: The Craft

The Craft is an absolute classic. With a dynamic cast of characters, a powerful plot and themes and fantastic costumes, The Craft is the perfect movie for Capricorns. Capricorns are exciting and unique, potentially hiding a deeper and more introspective self internally. Represented by The Devil card in tarot, Capricorns have a tendency to lean towards mischief, and another tendency to often find their way out of it. Capricorns are often goal-driven, much like Nancy Downs, the main character of The Craft. A dark and twisted work of media, The Craft is the perfect watch for a Capricorn. 

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Aquarius: Pearl

As the sister sign to Leo, it’s only fitting that Aquarians watch the sister film to X- the incredibly sad, eerie, and clever 2022 flick Pearl, also starring Mia Goth. Pearl is the perfect watch for an Aquarius, an air sign known for an eccentric and innovative personality which thrives on social experiences. Ruled by Uranus, the planet which controls surprising events, Aquarians are bound to love the traditional slasher style twists and turns of Pearl, a movie which is perfect for an October evening watch. 

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Pisces: The Shining

If you were born between February 19th and March 20th, you may be described as emotional, sensitive, and empathetic. Shelley Duvall’s portrayal of Wendy Torrance in the 1980 horror classic The Shining is a notably intense and emotional experience for viewers. Perfect for the empathetic Pisces, The Shining uses the paranormal and otherworldly to shine a light on real-world problems, creating a unique film experience. 

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Aries: Hereditary

Hereditary is the perfect film for any fire sign (wink wink), but the Aries is particularly likely to enjoy this absolutely incredible film from A24. Passionate, motivated, and confident, Aries individuals are drawn to the extraordinary. Ruled by Mars, Aries is a sign characterized by impulsiveness, with a tendency to have a short fuse. Hereditary combines a unique plot with a diverse set of characters, each deeply flawed in their own way. If you were born between March 21st and April 19th, chances are you’ll love this movie. 

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Taurus: Jennifer’s Body

Taurus individuals are focused and stubborn, along with being big enjoyers of the luxuries of life. Ruled by Venus, the planet of money, beauty, and love, the Taurus is often referred to as the most sensual of the zodiacs. Sexy and stubborn, the 2009 movie Jennifer’s Body is a perfect watch for our Taurus friends. With bits of satire and seriousness interwoven to create a commentary on the horror genre, Jennifer’s Body is everything a movie should be. The Taurus individual, with their certain lust for life, will absolutely love this movie. 

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Gemini: Us

Double trouble? Geminis are notorious for their duality— a complex trait which can present itself in many ways. Jordan Peele’s sophomore film Us is perfect for our Gemini friends who are sociable and fun with the ability to become serious and sullen at any given moment. Ruled by Mercury, Geminis are communicators, with the ability to open their minds and hearts to process information. Us takes thoughtful dialogue and beautiful imagery to create the perfect spooky watch for any Gemini. 

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Cancer: Carrie

Ruled by the moon, Cancers are widely known as being the most intuitive and emotional of all zodiacs. As symbolized by their representation among the zodiacs, the crab, Cancers are often intimidating on the outside, only to be highly emotional beings on the inside. Carrie tells the story of Carrie White, a lonely and ostracized teenager who later discovers her inner strengths. Cancers are sure to love this classic spooky movie, relating to Carrie’s certain powers and intuition. 

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Leo: X

Star-studded dreams? Jealousy? Late 70s fashion? Drama? Murder? Need I say more? X is the perfect movie for our confident and ambitious Leos. Ruled by the sun, Leos have a natural tendency to express themselves in dramatic and creative ways. Maxine, the main character of X, is no exception, expressing herself in a rather…..unique manner. This movie is over-the-top, loud, and filled with an exciting cast and plot, making it the perfect spooky season watch for a Leo. 

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Virgo: The Conjuring

Practical, quick-thinking, and hardworking, Virgos may be harder to convince of supernatural phenomena. For Ed and Lorraine Warren, the supernatural is a science, backed in years of extensive research and paranormal experiences. Virgos enjoy facts, but also assert themselves as sympathetic and reliable friends. The Conjuring is based on a true story of real-life paranormal investigators, making it the perfect horror movie for Virgos to watch. 

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Libra: Get Out 

Libras, ruled by Venus, are keen to a specific dedication to detail. Known for their exquisite tastes, Libras are sure to love an exquisite movie: Jordan Peele’s first feature film, Get Out. Get Out is a psychological thriller with an immense attention to the little things. Upon watching the movie for the second or third time, viewers gain a new hint of what will happen that had previously gone unnoticed. Libras have a love for the finer things in life, and this movie creates an excellent critique on the differences that social standings have on individuals. With beautiful and artistic cinematography and a gut-wrenchingly realistic message, Get Out is the perfect film for Libras.

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Scorpio: Halloween

It should come as no surprise to our dark and mysterious Scorpios that their recommendation is the 1978 horror film Halloween. While the date itself falls within the Scorpio season (October 23-November 21), the movie is an American classic which introduced the world to iconic scream queen Jamie Lee (you are all of us!) Curtis. Scorpios are renowned for their deep sense of intuition, a certain otherworldly clairvoyance that asserts them as deeply emotionally intelligent, similar to the main protagonist, Laurie Strode. Scorpios will love the classic film, complete with an eerie villain and a killer plot.

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Sagittarius: Scream

A Sagittarius is often defined by their passion, curiosity, and adaptability, being naturally drawn to adventure and thrilling experiences. Scream, first introduced in theaters in the late 90s, is the perfect thrilling movie for the Sagittarius. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, Sagittarius individuals can often be unreasonably optimistic, a theme which can be seen several times throughout the film. Both fun and intense, Scream is sure to be the right fit for every Sagittarius movie night. 

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Strike Out,

Writer: Maggie Gamson

Edited by: Reanna Haase and Sarah Harwell


Maggie Gamson is a staff writer for Strike Magazine Orlando. When not writing for Strike, she can be found reading contemporary literary fiction, listening to music, and enjoying time with her friends. She is currently serving as the Media Relations director for PERIOD. at UCF and enjoys spreading awareness about reproductive rights and health. In the future she hopes to work in the museum industry. You can contact her at


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