The Little Things Matter the Most

Image Courtesy: Strike Magazine Tallahassee

Tell your friends you love them. Call your parents when you’re away at college; they miss you more than you know. Check up on the person you’re worried about. Write notes and stick them on your roommate’s door. Hug the people you love. Compliment a stranger when you like their outfit. Send someone a song that reminds you of them. Pay for the person behind you in the drive-through line. Be the shoulder someone can cry on. Send a postcard while you’re on vacation.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

It’s the little things that matter the most. We won’t always remember the tangible things, but we’ll remember the small acts that made us feel loved and appreciated.

Image Courtesy: Psychology Today

Why is it that we cling to the small things? Considering how sentimental I am, I may be a bit biased, but the little things are so rare these days that when people do small acts of kindness, they mean so much. We tend to get caught up in our daily routines, and these random acts of kindness tend to bring us back down to earth. The little things remind us to restore our faith in humanity, even something as simple as a text from a friend checking in on you. It’s deeper than a simple text or gesture, it’s showing that you care for someone and that you thought of them.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Think about how it can feel to be the person who does the little things for others. There’s a sense of happiness that comes from making people smile. Spreading love allows one to feel like they are doing their part in a friendship or relationship. Checking in with others and finding the time to put in the effort makes you a genuine friend. We all want someone to put in the effort and make us feel heard, and it feels just as good to return the favor. Be the person that you seek to have in your life.

This is your sign to start appreciating the little things and doing small things for the ones you love. Life is too short to not show the people you love that they matter.

Strike Out,

Writer: Bella Ferretti

Editor: Jayna O

Graphic Designer: Sofie Dericks



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