The Hot GF-Ugly BF Epidemic

It's a classic. The smoking hot girl with the below-average-looking guy. We have all seen it, heard about it, and probably talked about it ourselves. It seems this pair-up has always been around. There are two reasons, albeit shallow, that have become the rest of the world’s coping mechanism for their anger with a hot girlfriend and an ugly boyfriend. He must be rich, or she must be stupid. I have learned that although it is much more often the former, it still is uncommon to see either of those reasons as the true motive for a hot GF-ugly BF situation. Here are a few reasons that may explain why this continues to happen, is becoming more prevalent by the day, and might become a problem in ways you might not think.

Disclaimer: The premise of this article is based on conventional ideas of beauty and what society deems attractive.

It’s just her type. So, you see a beautiful woman out with a man on her arm. The man is shorter with a bigger build, and you wonder how he pulled the dime he is with. Simple answer: it’s her type. There is not much to be done about this. We like whom we like, and we generally can’t help who we are attracted to. 

There is less pressure for an attractive woman in a relationship with a less attractive man. According to a study done at Florida State University, women in relationships with less attractive partners are much happier. Women who are married to attractive men are more motivated to diet and work out. That being said, “That extra motivation to diet, however, did not exist among women judged more attractive than their husbands. As for men, their motivation to diet was low regardless of their wives’ attractiveness or their own.” This means that while men feel no difference, women feel more relaxed and secure with a less attractive man. This is also a reason why the hot GF-ugly BF is a recurring situation. As more and more women watch their friends be happier with uglier men, more women will want uglier men. Hotter men get more jealous and insecure, and uglier men get more confidence. Who woulda thought?

As a society, we seem to be getting further away from basing our relationships on looks. We are veering away from the need only to seek out conventionally attractive partners. Instead, personality is what people value more. Typically, ugly men have better personalities. They are not cocky but confident in their abilities, and that is an attractive trait for someone to have.

The hot GF-ugly BF epidemic is something that is good for society. Men with better personalities pull hotter women making the hotter men with worse personalities jealous. Jealousy leads the hotter men to maybe work on their personalities more, realizing that looks don’t hold precedence over personality these days. In turn, everyone becomes a better person, and the world is a better place, all thanks to the hot girlfriend-ugly boyfriend epidemic.

Strike Out,

Ryan Manney

Boca Raton

Ryan Manney is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. His hobbies amount to surfing, skating, writing, reading, and everything music. When he isn’t surfing, he loves watching and/or playing live music. He also likes to wear cool clothes. You can reach him on instagram @ryanmanney or email @


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