The College Girl’s Survival Guide: from a Hot Pro (a Senior)
It’s hard to believe my four years of undergraduate euphoria are coming to a close within a mere few months. College has definitely changed me for the better, and I have the University of Florida to thank for so many beautiful memories, despite having started in the world of COVID Nine – womp womp. Literally who cares about my “ugh, I’m so old” whining?
What’s up, girls? I’m Abby Jones, and I am one of Gainesville’s hottest and coolest graduating seniors who has single-handedly made college life her bitch. Whether you’re an incoming freshman or even a soon-to-be senior, we all have things to learn and tips to master before our college years are so quickly through. That’s why I’m here — to share with you what I’ve learned during my time in college and explain how to make the most of your four short years before becoming a real-world, wrinkled robot.
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1. Join the Clubs
When entering college, especially at a massive state university like UF, it’s surprisingly hard to find friends instantly, even when you’re surrounded by more people than ever (weird paradox). Luckily, there are also more clubs and student organizations than you have ever heard of; seriously there’s one for every niche ever. Speed rubix-cuber? There’s a club here for you!
I remember swearing to the heavens above that I would never be a sorority girl. Nope, not a basic, blonde Barbie doll. But then I joined a sorority and met the best friends who carried me through my freshman year in a pandemic and every year since. But don’t dare let my sorority identity drive you away from my valuable tips. Next!
Image Courtesy: Pinterest
2. Go to the Bars – If You Feel Like It. F*ck FOMO!
Going out can be fun. Going out can be great. I love going out — sometimes! Sometimes, I love laying in bed and reading my book or scrolling aimlessly through brain rot TikTok. But when you feel like going out, if that’s your vibe, do it! I assure you, it has provided me with some damn good times over the years. But, if you’re going out solely because you feel pressured to, know that you don’t need to and that nobody really cares what you choose to do with your Friday nights except for you. FOMO is a disease, don’t fall victim.
3. Speaking of Bars …
Alright underclassmen, this one’s for you: If you have ever partaken in any party behavior, I will take a fine guess that you may or may not have consumed some delightfully colorful and rottenly sweet beverages in your days. It’s time to say goodbye to those immediately.
Once 21 and legally allowed to drink, of course, it’s time to outgrow the sugary, hangover-promised liquors and meet your new favorite night out companion: the water/soda/tonic limes. Pick your poison (liquor), mix it with water and lime at the bar and expect much less violent hangovers. Goodbye, root beer-flavored Smirnoff!
Image Courtesy: Pinterest
4. Walk
If you go somewhere like UF, prepare to walk — a lot. Why did I have to walk two miles daily four times a week to my ASL class at the nursing school as a PR major? Beats me, but I did. Could I have taken an e-scooter? No. Why, you ask? Because I hate them and they shouldn’t be allowed on campus. And speaking of, if you are going to skateboard, please just learn how to and be cool instead of using a remote-controlled board.
Image Courtesy: Pinterest
Anyway, the point is, you’re going to walk a lot in college, and it’s actually kind of nice. Walking promotes a variety of health benefits and it allows you to take in your surroundings, leading you to feel more present and connected with your campus. So buy some good walking shoes (Hokas are my favorite) and get ready to walk your ass off!
5. You Can Wear Your Backpack on Both Shoulders Now
Grade-school is so damn weird. Why did the number of shoulders my backpack hung from determine my social dignity? I am happy to announce everyone walks around with their backpacks on whatever shoulders they want in college.
6. Get Out of Bed
Use those walking feet and go find your favorite study spot to call your home away from home. Opus, a local coffee shop here in Gainesville, is literally my happy place. Libraries are great too and sometimes, if you really search, you might find an old one that feels straight out of Hogwarts. I’ve found that it is extremely beneficial for my studies and productivity, as well as for my sense of connectedness with campus, to get out of my room and plant myself at my favorite study spots throughout the week.
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7. Act Your Age
Freshmen, now is your time to be a little stupid. You can run around like headless chickens and embarrass yourselves and honestly it's OK, because you are freshmen. Don’t hurry to grow up — trust me it’s not that exciting. Embrace your year because each comes with exciting qualities that are unique to its own.
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8. Say Yes Now and Then
Some of my most exciting and random college memories have come from strange opportunities where I just decided to say “Fine, I’ll go.” Obviously only do this if it's safe, but sometimes a random invite can lead to an iconic memory.
9. The Major-Dilemma
Chances are, you’ve thought at least once or a million times, what am I going to do with my life? If you’re anything like me, this question might arouse feelings of impending doom, leading you to change your major four times in two years…only to end up choosing the one you previously said you hated. And guess what? I love it now! It’s really hard to figure out what you’re going to spend the rest of your life doing, but what I’ve found is that most working people still don’t know what they are doing. Find something that fulfills your passions and strengths while providing you with a life direction that seems promising, and I think you’ll be just fine. But do be aware of four-year programs; you may want to hop on those sooner rather than later.
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10. Read and Write
Yeah, yeah this advice is coming from a writer. But it’s such a joy to see the love of reading many of us had as children reignited during down-time in college. For once, reading isn’t assigned and can be done for pleasure. Books, news articles, magazines — whatever you want, just do it every once in a while. Along with reading, journal whenever you can. I am by no means great at keeping up with this one, but journaling is a therapist’s favorite recommendation and a great memoir of these precious days. And who doesn’t want to relish in our glory days forever?
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11. Want to Slay the Day? Put On Some Real Pants!
It’s crazy the way I feel when I go to class in some jeans or even perhaps a bra. Worth a try now and then.
12. Find Your Favorite Lip Balm and Bring It Everywhere
Recently, lip balm has become my obsession and I can’t tell you how much I love to put it on in class. There’s not much of an explanation for this one. My recs: Laneige, Summer Fridays, ChapStick or the one your dentist randomly gives you at your visits.
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13. Find Someone From Your School That Does Nails
Multiple girls in my sorority and other student organizations side-hustle as nail technicians from the comfort of their own apartments. I find it's cheaper and usually yields better results than those I see at the salon. (Shoutout to my favorite nail girl, Strike Gainesville’s very own nail tech: Chica Bonita.) Opting for local, independent creatives is always a plus, too.
Image Courtesy: @chica.bonita.nails on Instagram
14. $1 Target Dishes
What is a college home without a crusty pastel $1 Target plate?
15. Look For Housing For the Upcoming Year EARLY
This is my college kryptonite. Here in Gainesville, if you want to live in a house with your best buds junior year, you sure as hell better find and sign it during October of your sophomore year. If you don’t hop on it quickly, chances are most affordable houses will be booked by late November. It sucks, but better to be prepared than clueless like me!
16. Speaking of Housing
It’s OK to not live with your ultimate best friends. In fact, I’d almost recommend it. Before choosing your roomies, consider what you want at home: is it a place to rest and be quiet or a nonstop sleepover? Beware of the best-friend-turned-roommate-turned-enemy scaries. But, if you and your best friends can defy the odds, kudos to you girls.
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17. Invest In a Good Pair of Headphones
I don’t think I would have survived college without my outer world cancellers (aka, my over-the-head headphones). If you can, it’s worth the investment, and it may just save you from the relentless solicitors at your campus hotspot, too.
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18. Experiment With Your Style
There’s nothing I love more than noticing the outfits of those who let their style shine through while strutting the runway of Stadium Road. The beautiful thing about college is that you can be yourself and people will love you for it (secret: this has always been true, we were just too naive and daunted by popularity to realize). Elevate your style in college by getting that haircut you’ve always wanted, trying out the latest trend or wearing whatever makes you feel the most you. There’s no better time than now!
19. Don’t Walk Alone at Night
Well, sadly, I don’t make the rules for women. Just don’t do it.
20. Looking For Love? Get Strategic.
Dating apps work sometimes, but they also are exhausting, robotic and often feel more like a game to pass the time than a search for true love. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to finding love, but here are my two best tips: mutual friends and acting strategically. Mutual friends often provide an easy way to meet someone who may just be your long lost match. As for acting strategically, join the clubs or go to places where you think your ideal lover would hang out. Coffee shops, surf clubs, whatever floats your boat. But if you’re not looking to get cuffed, run free! You’ll never be around as many people your age as now. And to those of you that take the situationship route — godspeed.
Image Courtesy: @illyadarling on Tumblr
21. Follow Your College Town’s Instagram Page and Read Coffee Shop Bulletin Boards
It’s important to find time for wholesome fun throughout the semester, and if you’re anywhere like Gainesville, there is constantly a plethora of random local events to choose from. One of the best ways to find these is through city Instagram pages and reading the bulletin board postings around you! P.S. Pop-up markets are the absolute best.
22. Live Music
I love live music and what I love even more than live music is live music with my friends. Find your favorite local band or incoming concerts and get immersed in a world of dance and joy alongside your favorite people.
Image Courtesy: Abby Jones
23. Be Nice
Being mean is so out in college. People still do it, and I can confirm it’s an ick. Be aware of those around you, don’t talk shit too loud (though I do love the thousands of stories I’ve picked up through my years) and just be fucking nice.
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24. Make Your Own Kind of Music
Go take a listen to Mama Cass Elliot’s modern-day classic, dance around your bedroom and commit to finding yourself in college. There is no better time to break free from the chains of the high school social class system and let your true self shine than now. I hope you become the best version of yourself proudly in college, and that you unlock some of the best years of your life while doing so. I know I have.
Image Courtesy: Abby Jones
Catch you on the other side.
Strike out,
Abby Jones
Abby Jones is a writer for Strike Magazine Gainesville. She is defined by an eclectic collection of influences including but not limited to being a summer camp counselor, a lifelong dancer, having constant music playing with her at all times and her studious commitment to the latest meme. You can reach her on Instagram @abbyjones__ or email