Take a Road Trip With Olivia Rodrigo in Her New (SOUR) Film Driving Home 2 U

Image Courtesy: Rolling Stone

If you haven’t heard yet, Olivia Rodrigo recently released her first film, Driving Home 2 U, on Disney+. The film features an intimate account of her experiences creating the record-breaking debut album SOUR and her journey into stardom. SOUR was released last May and earned Rodrigo an impressive seven Grammy nominations. The album's pop-punk sound offers vulnerability, transparency, and relatable music. SOUR is centered around heartbreak but brings many issues to light that teenagers deal with in our generation. Issues like anxiety triggered by social media, intensified insecurities, and the frustration frenzy that comes with being a teenager. 

Image Courtesy: Vogue

The film not only shows the behind-the-scenes of how Rodrigo created each hit song on her album, but it serves as a testament to the pure talent of the young singer-songwriter. As documented in the film, Rodrigo is the creative mastermind behind her music, tweaking every detail of her lyrics to perfection. Her voice is incredible, but her lyrics and songwriting skills definitely set her apart. Rodrigo’s lyrics are powerful yet simple, evoking so many emotions in such few words. 

The film features a unique twist on all the hit songs from the SOUR album. Good 4 U is performed in a desert with a string orchestra, Favorite Crime is sung in an echoing canyon, and my personal favorite rendition was Traitor, performed at a gas station with Rodrigo playing all the instruments. Rodrigo snuck in a voice memo for an unreleased song right before the credits rolled. This song never officially made it onto the SOUR album but was a sweet addition to the film. 

Image Courtesy: Knight Errant

Olivia Rodrigo is adored by many for her honesty and transparency. This film captures all the hard work that went on behind the scenes and uncovers the hardships that the star went through when adjusting to stardom. She was just thirteen when she led her first Disney Channel show, and, in the film, she describes the challenges of being placed into fame at such a young age and how she has become her harshest critic. The film also highlights the backlash from the album and how the star dealt with all the drama that came out after the album was released. 

Image Courtesy: Billboard

It is clear after watching this film that Rodrigo doesn’t care about superficial fame, rather she is a talented young woman who has a strong appreciation for the arts and a creative gift. The SOUR album shows a raw and beautiful look at some of the most difficult times in Rodrigo’s life. The album allows its listeners to be set in her mindset and feel jealousy, confusion, angst, and anxiety. The film is a must-watch, offering a whole new perspective on the SOUR album. I am personally looking forward to seeing Olivia Rodrigo continue to grow in the music industry and make music that shows off her unique flair as an artist.

Strike Out,

Writer: Sara Vigne

Editor: Noelle Knowlton



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