Sunbeams Yesterday

                                 Image Courtesy: Pinterest

The good thing about good things

Is that you’re never meant to predict them.

I’ve heard people say 

It’ll take you by surprise and
Sweep you off your feet

But it’s more like you’ve woken up

In the middle of a lake 

Immersed, no recollection of arriving here,

And the goodness of summer enters your lungs…

Breathe in, breathe out with me.

That oxygen? Born from waterfalls. 

I’m hiking down a winding wooden path.

It’s a bridge across dirt and ferns

To the middle of the Earth,

And at its base, we take pictures beneath

The gentle falls feeding the mirrored waters

Of green and gray. 

                                                        Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Dive in, dive out with me. 

The pool is electric, don’t you feel it?

The sunbeams spark against the surface,

Little fireworks calling you back to light. 

I’m kicking against the blue and

We’re telling stories of concerts, mishaps,

Wild things, our skin cracked from it all

Now refreshed in the crystal cool. 

Turn round, turn round about. 

Sip cranberry and shout loud

So your friends can hear you over the song. 

The world’s gone violet –

The discos set me spinning.

To dance is a great gift, to move 

In a rush of joy, to be fully human 

Under the lights, inside music giving life.  

                                   Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Let’s look up now.

The tops of buildings, see them shining

In the evening hour,

The clouds latching onto a soft blue sky

Like pink and golden moss? The heavens 

Hold our cityscape adventures

In the palms of a sunset breeze,

The hope of discovery nestled here. 

                                                            Image Courtesy: Pinterest

Strike Out, 

Writer: Ellie Amos

Editor: Emily Montarroyos

Graphic Designer: Cole Martucci



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