To celebrate Halloween in cryptic and morbid conditions, A24 is hosting a weeklong horror screening of its well-known horror and thriller films. All screenings are free and students across the country are invited to join the film festival being held on a virtual platform. A24 has collaborated with Strike Magazine VU and Strike Magazine UF to highlight some of its headlining horror films being screened. Happy Halloween!


What happens when two lighthouse keepers are sent to a remote island? Secrets. Quiet. Loneliness. Insanity. All this and more in “The Lighthouse” starring Robert Pattinson and William Defoe, directed by Robert Eggers. Lighthouse keeper Thomas Wake and his assistant Ephraim Winslow are cast away to a remote New England island. Experience their period of isolation and the tumultuous journey they take unraveling each other's lives with nowhere else to go.

In our shoot, the true nature of the tale of the two wickies lies within the insanity that overcame them. However, this insanity was boiling underneath the persona of the younger wickie, Ephraim. Depicted in these photos, we aimed to capture significant moments from the film that ultimately lead to Ephraim’s death.


A girl troubled with family tragedy and a dysfunctional relationship decides to shine some light on her life by visiting a Swedish village for its Midsummer celebration. But beautiful flora, fauna and psychedelia can’t hide the festival’s deeply disturbing and gory rituals. Instead of turning tail, Dani opens up to tradition and is welcomed as one of the community’s own. Her friends may shy away — or disappear — but this could be her only chance to blossom. Bring on the drugged-up dances, the sanguine sanctums and the troubling tributes — Ari Aster’s “Midsommar,” starring Florence Pugh, is a cult classic.

In our shoot, we follow Dani’s transformation into the May Queen. We sought to convey the intensely emotional, painful yet beautiful journey that leads to her awakening.

Strike Out,

Midsommar credits

Creative director: Erin Hu

Creative Director Assistant: Matthew Hamburg

Design Director: Joey Whitley

Costume Design: Cecilia Gardner, Erin Hu, Matthew Hamburg, Ashley Novello, Jacob Wall

Film production: Megan Osorio, Thomas Le, Ryan Rivas

Makeup artist: Emma Heese

Hair Artist: Mackenzie Potts

Model: Janeil McCalla

Midsommar original motion picture score: Bobby Krlie

Lighthouse credits

Creative director Karina Popowycz

Content Taylor Hill, Brittany Polevikov, Josh Lipsey, Alina Yu, Bryce Tatum, Sarah Baldino

Photographer: Karina Popowycz, Harrison Smith

Model: Garrett Boling

Vanderbilt University and University of Florida


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