Strike Magazine Athens X BOLD Modeling Agency: Q&A with Head Stylist Sydnee Eubanks
Image Courtesy: Sydnee Eubanks
Sydnee Eubanks, the head stylist for the BOLD Modeling Agency, is preparing for BOLD’s inaugural fashion show: “Runway Riot!”
I spoke to Sydnee about the meaning behind “BOLD”, her inspiration for the show, and social media culture. At nineteen years old, she has some powerful insight into the fashion industry.
Q: Let’s start with the basics: What is BOLD?
A: Bold is basically a group that works to show underrepresented people at UGA, in fashion-- not even just in fashion but represents the underrepresented people at UGA.
Q: In your opinion, what does it mean to be bold?
A: I think it symbolizes to be yourself, to take up space. You know, being who you are, regardless of what everyone else around you is doing. Just always stay true to yourself.
Q: How did you first get involved with the agency?
A: I've been with BOLD since last semester. I think I just saw somebody on Instagram. I really liked what they were doing. And I direct messaged them because I want to be a stylist-- career wise. I wanted to try and build my portfolio so I direct messaged them and asked what they were looking for in a stylist. I found them, they found me, and it worked!
Q: BOLD’s mission, according to the BOLD Instagram, is “to celebrate the underrepresented through fashion at UGA.” Does this statement hold a specific weight to you?
A: It does. Yeah, it really does. I feel like being a minority in fashion is hard. I feel like there's kind of a divide between minorities in the industry, and I think our platform needs to be bigger. In the past few years, I’ve seen the fashion industry become more and more diverse and I'm just excited to be a part of that change.
Q: What would you say is your least favorite part about the fashion industry, in general?
A: I think right now, I don't like how originality is kind of watered down. I don't feel like we, as a society, are as original as we were 10 years ago. I think now everybody's kind of chasing what they think is trendy or what the younger people are doing. It's made the industry, you know, less authentic.
Q: Social media makes styles more accessible to the public. Do you think that it also makes certain styles less coveted or less important if everyone is talking about them?
A: I feel like social media definitely has its pros and its cons. I think fashion being more accessible to people positively affects minorities. I do think accessibility has also helped [the fashion industry’s] demise-- everybody's in it and knows what’s going on. Exclusivity is what keeps fashion fresh and we’re losing that a little bit.
Q: Okay, so onto the show. Does this fashion show have a storyline or a specific theme?
A: I think it has kind of a grunge feel. Like it’s called “Runway Riot!” So I just think the designs have a rough and tough kind of feel.
Q: Okay, so you said that BOLD works to represent the underrepresented. Do you have any cultural inspiration for the show? And do you try to incorporate the models' culture into the looks at all?
A: Not so much. We don’t dress the models to their specific culture, but we do take into account all cultures when designing a look.
Image Courtesy: Sydnee Eubanks
Q: What is your creative process when putting together a look? Walk me through it.
A: First, I look at the theme. And then I try to see where my mind goes when I first think of the theme. I then start to do research. So for this [show], I kind of went into a little bit of London punk. And yeah, kind of a 90s grunge theme. After that, I start trying to create characters. So that's what I do for each outfit or each look. I kind of make a character in my mind and try to dress them how I think that character would dress.
Q: When you are creating a look, do you start with the statement piece? Do you start with the basics? How do you put it all together?
A: Honestly, I try to think about what I have in my closet. I started off there and then I try to think of what other people would have. I don't really go off like the statement piece unless there's something that we really want to shoot. Then I'll go off that. But I usually just think about what's in my heart and how can I emulate that?
BOLD continues to shine light on minorities in the fashion industry, making the modeling industry more diverse. Catch the event on Nov. 11, 2022 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Memorial Park Grand Hall in Athens, GA.
Strike out,
Gabriela Lefkovits
Editor: Gianna Rodriguez