Spring Forward: Defrosting Healthy Habits for A New Season
Image courtesy: Pinterest
Winter has come and gone once again, which means it’s time to say goodbye to that seasonal slump we’ve been in since temperatures dropped. As the color slowly reappears in the grass and the trees replenish their leaves, we have to consider bringing some new vibrance into our own routines as well. Here are some tips that have helped me over the years:
Step Outside
It would be wrong to not take advantage of the changing weather, and the time before summer’s extreme heat (and unbearable humidity) quickly overshadows spring’s offerings.
For those whose New Year’s resolutions included an overambitious workout plan, consider adding outdoor physical activity. The overwhelming and monotonous setting of the gym can cause you to lose enthusiasm about working out–making it feel more like a chore than nourishment. However, integrating nature walks or runs into your routine can make a major difference in the form of an easy change in routine. I can attest to this, as the rising temperature allows me to take more walks with friends and I feel myself regaining the motivation to set time aside for a workout (which I was very on top of at the beginning of the year). Imagine strolling in the sun with a combination of fresh air and mid-70℉ weather– it’s as close to a perfect moment as something could be, in my opinion
If outdoor exercise doesn’t appeal to you, try incorporating a lighter approach to nature instead. Invite some friends to have a picnic at a nearby park, or move your workspace to a sunny place on campus to reawaken your mind after studying for hours in the library. Even just sitting on your porch and reading a book or catching up with your parents on the phone will do wonders for the soul–and integrate some flora and fauna back into your schedule.
Our winters are filled with cozying up indoors, which is perfectly comforting for those freezing days, but doesn’t quite provide the same solace in the spring. Step outside and bask in what your world has to offer!
Declutter & Destress
Spring cleaning is an age-old piece of advice that comes around every year. Social media becomes flooded with hundreds of entertaining cleaning videos, but in reality, tackling the abundance of old clothing in your closet or even sorting through expired makeup can be daunting tasks.
I feel that decluttering is a sensitive topic, with various different meanings and perceptions. It doesn’t always have to be taken to the extreme and can bring new life into your home. Refrain from limiting yourself to solely getting rid of things, or forcing yourself to part ways with something that just needs some reworking. Consider reorganizing your space, reevaluating the purpose of an item or even crafting it into something new.
Always finish your sessions with a good, deep cleaning. Wash your sheets, wipe down surfaces, vacuum, etc. You can even buy a fresh bouquet of flowers to welcome spring. There’s nothing like seeing your efforts shine in a mini-revamp and feeling the weight of clutter disappear. Environments play a key role in shaping our mood, so why not apply that principle to what can be our most lived-in spaces?
Seasonal Activities
My favorite part of a new season is finding the unique experiences that come with it. Whether it be gardening or taking a bike ride, now is the perfect time to transition out of the hermit-like hole we dig ourselves into during winter.
Visit your local botanical garden, take a hike or even sunbathe with friends. Farmer’s markets also begin to come out of hiding this time of year, so set aside time to wander the stalls and support your local businesses. The fresh produce is hard to beat, and makes for perfect ingredients in that recipe you’ve been saving for months.
On the digital side, you can curate a playlist or create a spring mood board to set your mindset for the coming months. Personally, a mood board does wonders for my work ethic in school and helps me look forward to spring break plans–or even summer vacations. I also like to incorporate some quotes from my favorite authors that remind me to slow down and be fully present. This year, I’m keeping a poem by Marge Piercy about the promises of spring in my mind:
“Ice weeps in the road.
Yet spring hides
in the snow. On the south
wall of the house
the first sharp crown
of crocus sticks out.
Spring lurks inside the hard
casing, and the bud
begins to crack. What seems
dead pares its hunger
sharp and stirs groaning.
If we have not stopped
wanting in the long dark,
we will grasp our desires
soon by the nape.”
Strike Out,
Mia Tanner
Editor: McKenna Edwards