Slowing Down to Speed Up: The Art of Relaxation

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

I have a hard time saying no to things even when I know I don’t have the time to do them. It’s the curse of a diehard people-pleaser. There just isn’t enough time in the day to finish all that I want to finish– and overcommitting to activities only makes it harder to budget my time. When night comes, I find that most of my day is filled with unnecessary activities, rather than things I really want/need to be doing. And I wonder why I’m stressed all of the time… 

I can’t shake the idea that the inability to juggle my busy schedule is what defines my worth. There is too much on my plate, and I don’t know how to organize it, but being busy is better than the alternative; right?

Wrong – I have found that slowing down and decluttering my schedule has actually made me far more productive. Slowing down has helped me speed up. By figuring out ways to fill my days with unfiltered real joy, I am learning to prioritize activities that make me feel better.

I’ve adapted a few new habits as I navigate a new world of self-worth undefined by my productivity. Here is what I have learned on my journey so far: 

  1. Say no

Trust me – it helps. Saying no to things that I don’t really want to do, and reminding myself that it is okay to prioritize my own decisions, has proven to me that I don’t have to be everything for everyone. An occasional no is very healthy for the heart. 

2. Test out new hobbies.  

Rather than just lying around in my free time, I have tried to find some new hobbies that clear my head and provide me with some relaxation. Whether it be reading, art, working out, etc., brain breaks are important and have allowed me to have a stronger focus when I need it.

3. Take deep breaths

Finding the moments throughout my hectic days where I am able to just breathe and let my heart rate settle reminds me that the stress will pass.

Remember, time is just time until you fill it with things you really love doing. 

Distracting yourself with activities and events just because you THINK they look good is stripping yourself of the small joys in your daily life. You are doing things based on what you think others would like, rather than what you need. Allow yourself to relax, avoid cramming your schedule, and take time to figure out the things that make you happy. I can guarantee you that your mind will be a lot clearer. 

Strike Out,

Ruby Gagnon

Editor: Caroline Kostuch


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