


The classroom is filled with anticipated students. The teacher is trying to speak, but her voice is drowned out by whispers and shuffling. "Last Day!" is written on the whiteboard along with several other celebratory banners.

JANET, the 18-year-old blonde is wearing a checkered dress under her boyfriend’s varsity jacket, she’s much more nervous than excited about today. She's sitting in the back of the room writing on a single piece of paper. Finally, she passes it to the boy sitting in front of her.


Make sure this gets to Heather.

He passes it along. It reaches HEATHER, who's whispering to all of the girls next to her. She's wearing a white sweater with a plaid skirt, she's clearly one of the more popular girls in the school.

She opens the note. "Meet me at our old park after school. -J."

She looks over at Janet and catches her already staring over. They both nod in a silent agreement.  


Janet is sitting on the slide, reading a comic book. The park is empty other than her, and it's silent except for the occasional sound of a bird's caw or the hum of a car driving by. She sees her friend Heather approaching and puts the comic down to run up to her.


Heather! You finally made it!


Sorry I took so long, why'd you want to meet at the park anyways? It's been a while since we've hung out here.


I figured it would be a nice change of pace, maybe remind of us our simpler days. A time where we didn't have to worry about leaving each other for college.


Feeling pretty nostalgic, huh?


I guess you could say that. I'm just going to miss you. We have so many memories here.

Heather notices the book Janet brought, an old comic book they used to read.


Wow, you even dug up that old thing? Moving away from me must be killing you.


Oh come on, it’s a nice memory.


I guess. So what's the reason you wanted to meet up with me? Is something wrong?


Honestly, no. I just don't know what I'm going to do when we go our separate ways. You've been my best friend for as long as I can remember.

They start walking through the park. Memories of when they were younger and used to play here flash on screen in between their dialogue. As the memories go on, they get older. It goes from them being kids and playing on the park to them being 13 years old and gossiping on the benches.  


It's just, this park has always been an escape for me. Even when we stopped going together. I figured it would be a good place to meet up before we left.

Heather sits on a swing, Janet picks the one next to hers.


We're still going to see each other Janet. It isn't like college is the end of our lives.


I know, but days in the park like this are over for us. Days together in general are. We're going to find new friends I'm sure, experience everything separately. I don't know how you're taking it so well.

A smile starts to come across Heather's face.


Hey, let's go over to our bags real quick, I have something to show you.

Heather leads Janet over to their bags.


(grabbing Janet's hand)

You have to close your eyes, it’s a surprise!


You're kidding, right? What could it possibly be?

Heather reaches into her bag, she pulls out an envelope with a UCLA logo across its front.

She places the envelope in Janet's hand.


Alright, open your eyes.

Janet looks at the envelope. She's confused for a second, then realizes what she's looking at.


NO WAY. Did you get in too? You even applied?


Of course I did, I loved the school, and I love you. How could I not apply there?


Why wouldn't you tell me sooner? I've been worried about us leaving each other for months.


I wanted it to be my graduation gift to you.

Janet immediately wraps Heather up in her arms, she lets out an excited yip.


This is amazing Heather! Are you sure you want to go? You can't go just because I am.


Oh trust me, I love it there. When we toured it together I had my eyes set on it. I just couldn't tell you, I've been planning this surprise for a while.


I can't believe it, Heather! We really are going to go to the same school?  


You better believe it sis, get ready for another four years of me.

They embrace again. Janet still forces Heather to do all the sentimental activities she had planned for the afternoon in the park. She brought everything that used to entertain them for hours.

The girls spend the rest of the afternoon in the park together, happier now than they had been in a while. When it starts getting dark out, they head home. Hand in hand, almost jumping along with excitement for their next four years.


Strike Out,

Concept: Carson Howl

Photographer: Lilly Longoria

Screenplay: Jacob Richards

Clothing: Wonsapontime Vintage



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