
Founded by Denise Moné, Mother Golden Jewelry represents being greater than what you perceive yourself to be. In 2018, after taking a bold leap of faith and diving into a deep spiritual journey, Moné who identifies as a natural born creator, decided to mash together two things she was passionate about – jewelry and her spirituality. Moné’s vision was to create a platform where other people felt the same love that she received through the products that she sold. As stated on her website, “Mother Golden was birthed when personal radiance was discovered. Inspired by the strength in our stories, Mother Golden Jewelry is the self-love, acceptance and non-judgement as we walk this beautiful temporary journey of life.” The name, Mother Golden, itself is personal to Moné as she views it as the version of herself that is connected to a higher greatness and not necessarily connected to any limiting belief of herself.  

When initially creating MGJ, Moné wanted to build a community that honored the connectedness of all living and nonliving things, a place where her customers felt like they not only had a family but felt love when they shopped from her business, instead of just being sold a product. Although MGJ has been doing exceptionally well, Moné felt it was time for her business to be re-invented. After finding some inspiration from a poem within Napolean Dynamite’s Think and Grow Rich stating, “Anyway you would’ve asked for life, life would’ve willing paid,” Moné began to evaluate what it meant to her personally. She then heard valuable advice from successful business owners like Jeff Bezos saying, “Treat your business like it will one day be weighed,” as well as Elon Musk saying, “Take risks now, you won’t regret it,” and she realized that these messages were no coincidence. Moné felt as though she was operating from a place of fear and trying to do things like other people, envisioning a greater purpose for herself and her business.

“The current state of MGJ thinks small in my opinion. It focuses on making sales rather than inspiring and moving me and my customers, which to me is what I consider to be love when it comes to having a business of my own.” A spark of inspiration came to her through meditation one night, leading her to craft an entirely new vision for Mother Golden that was aligned with everything that she wanted for herself and the business. “Now because of the idea I’ve been given, I have the love, I have the vision, I have the willingness to act and most importantly, I have the belief in a great and succeeding power. I have no fear in this re-invention, it’s almost a must. It aligns with my purpose.”

Moné now understands how important frame of mind and perspective is. She believes it shapes everything in our lives, including the belief of creating the life we may want as individuals and how grand, how small, or how beautiful we think we could be. The new mission for MGJ is to awaken the greatness of all, to all, and to as many people possible by placing content made with patience, love, compassion, intelligence, great beliefs and any matter of great energy. She wants to convince people that “they are of the stars and of great energy, and through this they can become anything that they desire so as they get to choose that belief for themselves, where they can be and see themselves, however they would like in the greatest of lights, so long as they choose to believe that and continue to choose it for themselves.” In the future, MGJ customers should expect consistency in every aspect. They should expect to be moved by the content in a much deeper way. They should also expect exclusively designed pieces, and to be seen and have full transparency as customers from the business itself.

Denise Moné is growing alongside Mother Golden Jewelry, allowing herself to take risks and truly shift the internal cores of others while bringing real value to their lives. Listening to her inner greatness and letting it guide her, Moné and the MGJ family are ready for the next move.

Mother Golden Jewelry will be closing at the end of February for re-invention. All exclusive pieces can still be found on!

Strike Out,

Writer: Arielle Vabre

Editor: Lexi Fernandez

Graphics: Tara White



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