Turning Random Objects into fashion
I am the type of person that refuses to be limited by typical fashion norms. I am a firm believer that anything can be an accessory if you try hard enough. I decorate my clothes with anything I can get my hands on. I have a jacket covered in cat toys. I put vampire teeth on a chain and wear them on my jeans. I have bright green tights that I covered in plastic ladybugs and, I ripped out the hearts of all of my build-a-bears and sewed them to my jeans.
I may sound like a walking catastrophe to most people, but I think fashion is a form of art. My medium is everything I see around me: if it makes me happy, I throw it into my outfit. I get a lot of stares and judgment, but I also get a lot of compliments. If you are scared to take extreme fashion risks or worry someone may say something judgmental, remember you are dressing for you and only you, and as long as you are happy with expressing yourself, it shouldn’t matter! Below are some pieces from my wardrobe to get perspective on incorporating anything into your outfit!
Doll Head Necklace
Image Courtesy: Ellie Nas
You can make practically anything into a necklace. Doll head? Necklace. Plastic rat from Spirit Halloween? Necklace. Furby keychain? Too bad, now it’s a necklace! If you get a simple chain from any craft store, you can wear anything you want around your neck and it magically becomes a necklace.
Children's Art Supplies
Image Courtesy: Ellie Nas
I know this gives major third-grade-art-project vibes, but I put tacky art supplies on everything. You can put crafting gems on a cute pair of shoes, a jacket, or even a headband using a glue gun or some fabric glue.
Googly Eyes Everywhere
Image Courtesy: Ellie Nas
A vest can make any boring outfit pop, but even more so when it’s staring at everyone who walks past. I bought a vest from the thrift store, but I never wore it because it made me feel like Aladdin. I had never seen a vest with googly eyes before, so I made one. With a glue gun and a pack of googly eyes, you can also deck out a pair of boots or pants.
Plastic Bugs
Image Courtesy: Ellie Nas
I love bugs. I always carry fruit with me to feed any little hungry bugs I might find. I went through a phase where I wore plastic bugs in my hair almost every day. Adult clothes with bugs are nearly impossible to find, so I added plastic bugs to a bunch of my clothes. You can get plastic bugs from the dollar store or find some plastic ladybugs or ants on Amazon and have them crawling up your leg or shirt sleeve.
Never be afraid to experiment with your style and make your clothes and accessories into art. I always love seeing students on campus dress as creatively as possible, they are wonderful sources of inspiration. It makes me so happy to see statement pieces or looks that I have never seen before. Wearing whatever you want and being yourself is liberating. Fashion has no limits, even if society tries to tell you otherwise
Strike Out,
Writer: Ellie Nas
Editor: Kayla McCall and Peyton Boudreaux