Pursuit of the Passions

Image Courtesy: Ellie Amos


Drifting off to sleep

I replay in my mind

Four lines from that song

I always listen to.

So brilliant, I think –

But am I as talented as my idols?

         I wonder if I listen to this song enough,

         If I’ll internalize its brilliancy,

         If my own work can then inspire

         The future of music.

         In my dreams

         I compose a song of my own

         And upon waking, I replay it

         On repeat,

         Only for sunlight to fill the room

And the reality of day

         To set in, stealing my song slowly



Image Courtesy: Ellie Amos


What is revolutionary?

Perhaps random lines across paper,

Random colors splattered in between.

Void of purpose.

Is that something wild, something strange?

But I find that in the meaninglessness,

I only curate meaning.

I can only create

From the mess of my mind,

From the mess of my heart and soul.

What I’ve seen and what I’ve loved,

What I’ve dreamed and what I’ve wished.

Nothing is without meaning

So long as the artist

Wishes to touch the world.

Image Courtesy: Ellie Amos


         Drifting off to sleep

         I replay in my mind

         Four lines you said yesterday,

         And I wonder about the question asked by all:

         Does it matter?

         Does it hold any weight

         For two to love one another,

         For words to be said with all of one’s heart,

         For the other to repeat them

While drifting off to sleep?

         Is it all meaningless,

Is it all an illusion –

         What if love is just a dream?

                            If you choose to paint in those colors,

                            If you choose to draw those lines,

                            If the melody causes you to sing,

                            And if the drums make your body sway

                            To the rhythm, to the beat you created…

                            If you choose to express yourself

                            In music, in art,

                            In four lines of love –

                            Then it matters,

                            Then it is revolutionary,

                            Then it has purpose,

                            Then it holds weight.

Strike Out,

Writer: Ellie Amos

Editor: Isabel Wilder



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