Playlists Are Today’s Love Letters

The love letter was used for centuries to make proclamations of infatuation, maintain love at a distance, and even just communicate raw emotion and passion. Unfortunately, the 21st century has sent the love letter to the trash rather than the mailbox. Although love letters have died, it doesn’t mean the concept has to.

Music is the universal way for people to express emotion: through song-writing, instrument-playing, or just listening. The music that people spend their free time enjoying isn’t just a hobby but a deep look into who they are. Sharing music with your partner allows you to understand more about them without saying anything to each other.

Making it a routine to share music can lead to a healthier relationship. There are so many ways to use music as your love letters. You can periodically send each other playlists every month or even every week. They can be anything you want them to be: new music you like, songs you’ve found, a mood for the month/week, or a collection of songs dedicated to them; there are endless things you can do with it. Sending a playlist of all-time favorites is a great way to start; this gives your partner a much better understanding of what your musical interests are. Having a shared playlist is also an awesome way to do this because you both can continuously add songs and keep it updated. It doesn’t always have to be a playlist; sending songs throughout the week can be a cute way of communication that shows affection and reminds your partner that you care.

Songs can explain feelings that are sometimes hard to put into words. If you’re extra happy in the direction your relationship is going, sending a sweet love song can give your partner reaffirmation that things are going well between you two and make them feel a little bit of extra love! If you’re unhappy about something in the relationship, communicate those feelings first, but sometimes, a song can add more meaning to the message you’re trying to get across.

Sending songs doesn’t necessarily have to be a cryptic message; it can also be a way to just share new music or artists you like. If your partner likes the song too, then you’ve found something that you both can enjoy together. It could even become “your” song! Having music that is special between two people can add more depth and meaning to the relationship. It’s personal, something only you share.

Sharing music in a relationship allows you to not only build a healthier relationship but also become exposed to different artists and genres that you may have never listened to before. Not only are you strengthening your relationship, you’re becoming more well-rounded people at the same time. Try sending a couple of songs or a playlist to your partner and see how it works for you; maybe your relationship could reach a level you wouldn’t expect.

Strike Out,

Morgan Harms

Boca Raton

Morgan Harms is a Content Writer for Strike Magazine Boca. She is a Pisces mermaid with a love for the ocean. She spends her free time daydreaming, wave-watching and blasting whatever music she’s into that day. You can reach her by email at or on Instagram @morganjharms.


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