Big Shoes to Fill

Directors Shoot FW 23, Tallahassee



I’m so grateful for my first semester as digital director.  I’m always amazed by the talent and creativity I’m surrounded by from the directors I get to work alongside to my lovely digital assistants and digital team. I’m so proud of what we’ve created!! 

- Megan Mohrmann || Digital


I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for my incredible graphic team and the profound privilege I feel in being part of Strike Magazine. As the Graphic’s director, I have had the honor of witnessing the creativity, dedication, and passion of our graphic's team firsthand, and it has left a mark on my professional journey.

- Luis Arriaga || Graphics


I am so grateful to be apart of this magazine and work with all you talented, creative, beautiful people! Big thank you to my Tiktok team I appreciate you all so much <3

- Quentin Mantilla || Tiktok


My wonderful photo team, thank you so much for making this semester full of beautiful creativity. I am infinitely proud of the work you have produced and your dedication to this magazine. To my fellow directors, I love you all so much, you guys make life brighter!

- Layla Mathews || Photo


First and foremost, I want to express my profound appreciation for the remarkably talented and dedicated team I had the privilege of working with. In my first semester as director and second semester with Strike, I was tasked with the monumental challenge of completely transforming the structure and vision of what Strike Video represents. With the bar set exceptionally high and the weight of immense pressure on my shoulders, I can confidently say that this team not only met our goal but also redefined standards, reaching unprecedented new heights! To both my team and fellow directors, I couldn’t have asked for anyone better, thank you.

- RJ Banez || Video


To my Strike family, thank you for continuously inspiring, motivating, and challenging me this semester. Words cannot express the gratitude and pride I’ve felt working alongside each member of my team, I love you all dearly. I owe everything and more to my incredible runway team, our outstanding group of directors, and my roommates <3 

Thank you for making Tallahassee feel like home.

- Aja Soleil || Runway


To my Strike family, thank you for trusting me with the role of Strike Tallahassee’s first-ever styling director. I am beyond blessed to be surrounded by so many people who continue to inspire me and allow me to push my creativity to its limits. Thank you to my amazing team for always being able to help bring my visions to life, special thanks to my assistant Sydney Tindall, I could not have done it without you! I owe so much to this family for allowing me to grow and gain confidence in my abilities and I cannot wait to see what we continue to create together. With love and gratitude, thank you Strike for another amazing semester!

- Marianna Gutierrez || Styling


Each semester I am in awe at how talented and creative everyone in this magazine is. Being a director is one of my proudest achievements. Here’s to another amazing issue! 

- Kayla Crooks || Brand Ambassadors


Working with all of you this semester has been an absolute pleasure! I’m so proud of all the hard work everyone has done and I can’t wait to see it all put together. Thank you to all the members, and especially my fellow directors, for having made my first semester as director so wonderful! 

- Camila Kassner || Finance


Cheers to another incredible semester! I couldn't be more grateful to be a part of something so special <3 beyond proud of everyone & everything that has gone into this issue! 

- Brynn Estberg || Sales


This semester of Strike has been truly amazing! It has been truly amazing getting to work so closely with so many amazing creatives within my team and beyond. Thank you to everyone for making my second to last semester on Strike so memorable and I can’t wait to see what next semester holds! <3

- Emma Roush || Advertising


I am so excited to have been given the opportunity to serve as Merch Director this past semester! Strike holds such a special place to me and I am so proud of everyone’s hard work this semester. Much love for every single person that helped to make this magazine possible <3

- Katie Kissane || Merchandise


 I’m so proud of my strike family and the work that everyone put into the issue. Thank you to my beauty team for everything. I can’t wait for the next issue. Beauty director out! 

- Brynn Lewin || Beauty


Strike has been such an amazing outlet for me and I’m so lucky to be able to work with such talented people. Huge thank you to my Productions team! You guys have been the biggest help and are so awesome to work with. Cheers to another great semester of strike!!

-Vallerie Kolczynski || Production


My first semester in strike and it went better than I could have ever imagined. Thank you to all the members and directors that were so welcoming and inspiring, you’ve made this a family that I’m so happy to be a part of. Everyone works so hard and I can’t wait to see what else is to come<3

- Amanda Lasiello || National Liaison


 I am so happy to have been the Events Director this semester for such an incredible magazine publication like Strike. This position is extremely rewarding and I have learned so much from the inspiring people that surround me in this community. I also want to express how thankful I am to my Events team and all the hard work they have done this semester. You all have made my experience as director unforgettable and I could not have done this without each and every one of you. 

- Taylor Radigan || Events

 It has been such an amazing opportunity getting to work with Strike as a director this semester. I am so proud of everyone, especially the External team for their hard work. I can’t wait to see what next semester has in store!

- Lindsay Zifrony || External


So proud to be on Strike for another semester. The most lovely, talented, fun group of people I am lucky to know. Here’s to an amazing semester and issue!  

- Abbey Kent || Instagram


Strike Out,

Director: Kate Damario & Sophia Poole

Digital Staffers: Katie Perdomo, Brooke Miller, Kassidy Saba

Photographer: Kevin Farley

Video: Julia Niles & Ella Denny

Beauty: Brynn Lewin



Strangeness and Charm: Lessons From the Life of Grace Jones


The Culture of Coffee