No Time Like the Present

Image Courtesy: WE THE URBAN

Resolutions are synonymous with the start of the new year. Hence, the term resolution is always prefaced with the phrase “New Year’s,” but rarely stands alone. 

We only comprehend resolutions when situated at the top of the calendar year. But how do we name self-improvement at different seasons?

Tradition has conditioned us to believe that when Jan. 1 rolls around, we must collectively enact a hard restart on our lives under fireworks and champagne showers. Despite that, every other day of the year, we exist as individuals with one-of-a-kind sets of responsibilities and goals that align with our personal trajectories. We grant ourselves our wants and needs as we see fit, but we quiet the urge for growth and stack our new habits at society’s outdated starting line.

After a year and a half hiatus, I redownloaded Instagram to my phone again because I felt my peace could withstand the chaos. During my inaugural scroll, I stumbled upon October Affirmations, a creation courtesy of the affirmation paradise “WE THE URBAN.”

“Say it with me: These last three months of 2023 will be transformative. I still have time to work on those intentions I set for myself at the top of the year. It is not too late to make myself proud. It is amazing to think how much these few short months can rewrite my entire life,” “WE THE URBAN” said.

In the words of  “WE THE URBAN,” “It is not too late to make yourself proud,” but it is also not too early to make yourself proud. Whether the change on your mind is residual from the start of the year or on your list of things to add to your 2024 Vision Board, what makes today the wrong day for self-evolution?

Fall is for caving in around my school work, demanding deadlines and exams as a student. As a result, I offload my desires for spiritual expansion into my subconscious mind and wait for them to flood into my conscious mind on Dec. 31. However, I find that procrastinating being a better person rather than choosing to be a better person makes me anxious as I await the new year. 

If we can clearly visualize the person we want to be in the month of October, why should we wait three months to move toward that identity transformation? The best version of myself talks to herself like someone she loves, reads before bed and radiates loving energy. I do not want to wait to be her. 

My October Affirmation: I will value myself above everything else in the last three months of 2023.

Strike Out, 

Madison Brown

Editor: Kennedy Moran



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