No Filter Is the New Filter

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

The lens of social media “norms” has geared towards neutral tones, unedited photos, aesthetic filler pop-ins, and a new scope of creativity. While it seems like just yesterday people were applying bright blue presets to their images, social media has taken a turn. This new aura gives off the “make Instagram casual” vibe while also putting in effort. Instagram has become a camera roll dump where people upload pictures that they genuinely enjoy and capture in moments of peace and happiness. Ditching the posed pictures and welcoming off-guards and scenic views to the feed, Instagram has garnered a new side of personality where people treat their feeds as an overall scene and place pictures accordingly. This switch opens doors for authenticity and leaves behind masked versions of captured moments.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

While this switch toward natural appearances is apparent through filters on Instagram, TikTok, and other platforms have adapted to this vibe through a different lens. “Day In My Life” videos have taken over TikTok, and everybody is participating. People begin to share clips from their everyday lives of waking up, working out, going to work, cooking, and going to bed. The romanization of simplistic lifestyles is the latest trend of TikTok, and everyone loves the content. Rather than people only posting when traveling or at their peak, TikTok has normalized daily routines that are not always glamorous. It’s comforting to see content showing the reality that life isn’t always exciting and you’re not always looking your best. Those everyday chores that you hate, become a little more bearable when you can document them and watch others do the same. It has drawn in a community of all ages to share their lives and take comfort in the content of others.

Image Courtesy: Lily Cherie

The latest fashion icon Sophia Richie embodies all things neutral, classy, yet striking. Sophia has had a great influence on the current switch towards chic and sophisticated styles in 2023. People are starting to invest in timeless pieces that can be styled in several ways. Sophia showcases how these simple pieces are fashionable and can be paired in numerous ways to elevate the look or keep it casual. Her style reflects simplicity that has become the new “it girl” look that everyone is chasing. With fall approaching, people are following in her footsteps and purchasing the neutral staples that we haven’t seen people glamorize as much in prior years.

While all social media is a highlight reel of people’s lives, there is still an apparent shift in content people post. You can never fully know what is truly going on in someone’s life through social media, but it is now more normalized to post content with more authenticity and vulnerability. It’s more than ditching a literal filter, it’s about posting what you want and when you want to without the fear of portraying only your best looks. Social media shouldn’t be somewhere that people should have to put up a front, but rather somewhere to share the snapshot of raw special times in one’s life.

Strike Out,

Writer: Bella Ferretti

Editor: Blake Fiadino



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