Battling the Birthday Blues: How to not hate your special day

Across many different cultures, traditions, and generations, a birthday, or solar return, is equally recognized as a unique holiday that celebrates our time and purpose on this Earth. Birthdays are so special; they remind us that we have been gifted another new year of experiences and lessons to learn in our life journey. This day is supposed to be one of the happiest days of your year! But for many women, the thought of planning their birthday activities is nothing but anxiety-inducing. For us girls, deciding what to do for your special day can be tricky. 

You are already feeling a little sensitive about getting older. Sometimes, you’re even left panicked while running through your invite list at the last minute because you are afraid all the different friend groups won’t get along. Don’t even get me started on deciding which outfit would fit the bday dinner location. Regardless of whether you start planning months in advance or the day of, you are still susceptible to mishaps and last-minute cancellations. Your birthday is a sentimental time, and it's important that the people you hold near and dear to your heart show up to celebrate with you. When a plan falls short or a loved one bails,  it can all negatively impact your energy toward the special day, especially if you have experienced previous incidents that may have caused trauma and depressed emotions toward your birthday. Just know that your feelings are valid; it’s disappointing to be let down by loved ones when you consistently show up for everyone else around you. 

But the big mistake made is often planning festivities according to what the invitees may enjoy rather than ourselves—causing an overwhelming feeling of dissatisfaction because you didn’t have fun. Then you go on the rest of the year, remembering how much you hated your birthday. For those who struggle with anxiety like myself, it is quite a draining cycle to be stuck in. 

In that case, it’s only right that we stop relying on the acknowledgment from our friends for our birthday-celebration-happiness. It’s time we reclaim our birthday and revolve the whole day around the main attraction… you, of course! If you are having trouble figuring out where to start, here are three tips that will assist in ensuring you feel good on your birthday.

  1. Make sure to prioritize your happiness

Whether it is a party or a large birthday dinner, if you aren’t going to enjoy yourself, don’t even bother booking! Make sure to center any festivities around your hobbies and interests rather than thinking about what your invitees may enjoy. Remember they are here to celebrate you!

2. Remember that gaining another year of life is a blessing

Practice gratitude; only some get to see the age you are turning. Rather than associating the process of getting older with negative feelings, remember your birthday is a holiday! Think about how lucky you have been given another year to experience the beauty of life on Earth. 

3. Don’t be afraid to cut the invite list down

Even if you left with three people, it is better than having 20 people at a dinner table with underlying animosity towards you. Only surround yourself with friends and family who love and show up for you consistently, not just on one day of the year. It also decreases the chances of disappointment later on. 

All in all, this day should be dedicated solely to your happiness, make sure nothing gets in the way of that!

Strike Out,

Gael Lynn Laguerre

Boca Raton

Gael-Lynn Laguerre is a content writer for Strike Magazine Boca. She’s a textbook  Aquarius: hyper-independent but also super hot. In her free time, she enjoys online shopping, writing sad poetry, and oversharing on Twitter. You can reach her by or Instagram @gael.lynn


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